Apple. iPhone 14 production under pressure after new lockdown in China

Like every year, the new iPhone models are among the most anticipated smartphones by consumers. But, once is not custom, Apple is facing problems in the production of these future iPhone 14. And for good reason, the Chinese authorities have just decreed a new strict confinement in the city of Zhengzhou which is home to several factories. from Foxconn, reports South Morning China Post relayed by phonandroid.

Strict confinement for a week

The apple brand had nevertheless tried to anticipate possible problems. Indeed, the Foxconn subcontractor had started production several weeks in advance and had even set up bonuses to hire more workers. But the health situation has disrupted the dynamic.

After the discovery of four cases of Covid-19 and ten asymptomatic carriers, the authorities decreed strict confinement from May 4 to May 10 in the city of Zhengzhou. However, this is the place that concentrates the largest manufacturing complex of Foxconn.

Workers confined to their factory

In total, Zhengzhou factories account for between 60 and 80% of global iPhone production. The impossibility of hiring new assembly line workers could therefore impact the production schedule of the iPhone 14.

Since this containment announcement, Foxconn has managed to maintain production of Apple smartphones by applying a “closed loop” system, which means confinement of workers within the factory.

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