Apple iOS 16 beta 6 released: Low battery mode turns off battery percentage_China IT News

Apple’s iOS 16 beta 6 release: Low battery mode turns off battery percentage

Drive China August 16, 2022 News

Today, according to the iOS 16 Beta 6 developer preview update released by Apple, when using battery low power mode in some mobile phone models, a new function is added to turn off the percentage display in the status bar.

In the previous update of iOS 16 Beta 5, using the low power mode will automatically turn on the battery percentage function, and there is no option to turn on the low power mode without displaying the battery percentage information. The update of iOS 16 Beta 6 makes the low power mode and battery percentage mode no longer related to each other and can operate independently.

However, as shown in the preview, not all iPhone models support the battery percentage display function, and it is still not available on the standard iPhone 11, iPhone XR, iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 13 mini models.

In addition, the focus mode of this iOS16 beta6 will be easier to adjust than before, and users can directly remove the content they don’t like in the app. Sent content can also be edited and recalled in the Messaging app, and messages marked as unread.

As well as mail, its search tool has been updated and improved accordingly, and the support of functions such as retraction has been realized like information. In addition, Apple is also planning to use Passkeys instead of passwords to log in to accounts, which Apple says is a more secure method of biometric identification.

It is reported that some foreign media said that Apple is expected to release the official version of iOS 16 to all users with iPhone 8 or newer in September this year.Return to Sohu, see more


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