In three very short commercials aired on its English YouTube channel, the Apple highlighted how some of the features of the iPhone can help users: Focus mode (Focus mode)as Password Keys (Passkeys) and the Usage Time (Screen Time).
To demonstrate that there is always “more” regarding the iPhone than the public usually knows, Apple published three videos completely in black and white, just using words and applying different effects on them in order to represent the problem and the solution with one resource. .
Focus mode
In this article, we’ve broken down how to use Focus mode and how you can make the most of it.
password keys
Password Keys can be used to bring more security and privacy to the user, even with third-party apps. Check here for more information regarding the feature.
Usage Time
Finally, Screen Time is widely used by parents who want to control their children’s screen exposure limit. Check out this video we made on how to use it.
So, did you like the videos?
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