Apple Explains Why You Shouldn’t Buy an iPhone Case

Many resort to buying cases to put their mobile phones in order to protect them in the event of a fall or to change the appearance of the phone and make it distinct from other phones.
However, Apple seems fed up with this behavior. After the company’s engineers and technicians spend a long time designing the shape and colors of its new and attractive iPhone phones, users come and put them in cases that destroy their identity and aesthetics.

Have you ever seen an Apple executive put his phone in a case? of course no. And if that example wasn’t enough to convince you, Apple has just released a new ad showing how powerful iPhones are, and that they don’t need a case to protect them. The advertisement is definitely meant to help you get rid of your unaesthetic and anti-beauty behavior of iPhones.

The short ad starts with an iPhone 13 sitting on the edge of a table, starts ringing while on a vibrator, then starts moving little by little, and eventually falls off the edge of the table. There is no need to fear or worry regarding your phone, it will not suffer any damage, and the proof is that it continued to ring following it fell to the ground.

Apple says that the iPhone 13 has a ceramic shield that is stronger than any mobile phone glass, and this means that the phone is protected on its own, and there is no need to exaggerate its protection and hide its aesthetics by using a case that will cost you more money, according to the ZNet website.

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