Apple can now check for the presence of liquid in the USB-C ports on Macs

2023-11-04 15:00:00

A Apple added a new daemon system to macOS Sonoma 14.1 aimed at checking whether or not a Mac has been exposed to liquids in its USB-C ports.

Noticed by 9to5Macthe new daemoncalled liquiddetectiond, runs in the background to collect liquid detection analytics from each of the machine’s ports.

It is similar to the same mechanism present in iPhones to notify the user when liquid is detected in the smartphone’s connector, but on Macs, it will apparently only serve as a verification method.

Upon knowing whether a Mac has been exposed to liquids, for example, Apple may refuse to provide free assistance to the computer — even if it is still within the one-year period covered by the company’s factory warranty. The exception is if the machine is covered by the AppleCare+ plan.

How do you describe on this support pageApple includes liquid contact indicators (LCI) in its recent Macs and keyboards to determine whether they have been exposed to liquids.

As the website well noted, it is not yet known whether the new daemon It will work on all machines running macOS 14.1 or only on Macs with M3 series chips.

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