Apple announces relief after storms in the US south

Recurrently, the Apple makes donations to regions affected (mostly) by natural disasters in an attempt to provide support to recovery and rescue efforts.

This time the CEOChief executive officeror executive director.”>1 of the company, Tim Cookannounced donations to federal units in the south of the United States, which have been affected by storms — some of them also suffered from tornadoes, say.

Our hearts go out to the people and communities affected by the severe storms in the south. Apple will donate to relief and recovery efforts.

According to information from CNN, more than 20 million Southerners from Texas to the East Coast are under threat from severe storms. Additionally, at least 20 tornadoes were reported in states including Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.

Mississippi was particularly hard hit, with at least 25 people killed and dozens wounded, taking the US president Joe Biden to approve a disaster declaration for parts of the state.

Jill and I are praying for those who lost loved ones in the devastating Mississippi tornadoes and for those whose loved ones are missing.
I talked with @tatereeves, @SenatorWicker, @SenHydeSmith e @BennieGThompson to express my condolences and offer full federal support.

Emergency measures were also adopted in Georgia, where Governor Brian Kemp issued an order aimed at providing more resources for communities to recover. In the western town of LaGrange, a tornado damaged up to 100 homes, dozens of which were “completely destroyed”.

Very sad… ????

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