Apple accused by Brussels of abuse of dominant position in contactless payments

Margrethe Vestager, Vice-President of the European Commission, during a press conference on 2 May in Brussels.

The European Commission accused, on Monday May 2, the American giant Apple of blocking competition in contactless payment systems, by imposing its Apple Pay service on users of its mobile phones. The European executive thus estimated, in a press release, that the manufacturer of the iPhone “abused its dominant position in the mobile wallet markets” by preventing competing solutions from working on its devices.

Brussels, which plays the role of guardian of competition in the European Union (EU), had already pinned Apple last year for anti-competitive practices in the online music market, one of the many files having opposed it to American tech giants.

Regarding Apple Pay, the Commission had opened an investigation in June 2020. On Monday, it informed Apple in writing of the grievances against it. This is a formal step that does not prejudge the outcome of this investigation. The company now has access to the file and will be able to respond to the accusations made.

“We have evidence that Apple has restricted third-party access to key technology needed to develop competing mobile wallet solutions on Apple devices. (…) for the benefit of Apple Pay, its proprietary solution”Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager told a press conference.

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No deadline set for further investigation

Apple Pay is the only mobile wallet solution to have access to the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology fitted to the iPhone or iPad to exchange the data necessary for contactless payment in stores or online, underlines the Commission. Brussels “challenges Apple’s decision to block app developers” competing “to access the necessary hardware and software on its devices”.

For its part, Apple justifies access restrictions by its concern to ensure security for its customers. “Apple Pay is just one of many options for European consumers to make payments”reacted the brand to the apple, in a press release. “We will continue to work with the Commission to ensure that European consumers have access to the payment option of their choice in a safe and secure environment”she added.

No deadline has been set for the continuation of the EU investigation. If Apple is found guilty, it will have to remedy its practices or face fines of up to 10% of its annual turnover.

The World with AFP

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