Apostolos Lytras: A Remarkable Turnaround from Felony Incarceration to Misdemeanor Freedom

Criminologist Apostolos Lytras made his first statement after his release from prison, saying: “Thank you to those who supported me.” His lawyer, Petros Pantazis, spoke to OPEN and explained the reasons why his client was released from prison.

“Facts were decided by the council, it is now a matter for the audience,” Mr. Pantazis said initially.

“Our criminal code has various degrees, there is no general punishment for bodily harm, regardless of its type. There are simple bodily harms, there are dangerous, grievous bodily harms, unintentional, intentional. The Council of Torts of Athens analyzed the physical injuries, the type of them and reached, in my opinion, a correct legal conclusion”.

“What Mr. Lytras said from the first day, leaving the investigator’s office, is the same word for word today, despite the different legal characterization of the act. It does not change anything in Mr. Lytra’s real will to restore what has been done”, as he stated.

The replacement of the temporary detention of the criminal lawyer with restrictive conditions was decided by the Council of Misdemeanors of Athens of its own volition, adopting the relevant prosecutor’s proposal that had preceded it. The attorney of Apostolos Lytras, Petros Pantazis, in a press release issued on the occasion of his client’s release from prison, states: “By the decree no. of grievous bodily harm, to the misdemeanor of dangerous bodily harm. Thus, the accused lawyer, after the conversion of his original charge to a misdemeanor, is referred to be tried in a Single-Member Misdemeanor Appellate Court and not in a Mixed Jury Court.

The parliament was preceded by a similar Prosecution proposal.

The attitude of Apostolos Lytras, towards the tragic incident that marked his life and that of his family, remains unshakable: “He asks, again, for forgiveness from his wife and declares that he will do whatever is necessary, for mental and emotional protection of his children”

The judges adopted the proposal of the prosecutor who heard the case and who had expressed the opinion that the bodily harm in the way it was done, that is to vulnerable parts of the body and with severity and frequency, could cause a danger to life.

The offense of dangerous bodily harm carries a prison sentence of up to 3 years, while the offense of grievous bodily harm carries a prison sentence. Of course, with the new criminal code, even for sentences between 2-3 years, the court is given the possibility to even decide imprisonment for up to 6 months.

Apostolos Lytras: The restrictive conditions

In particular, the accused lawyer is prohibited from approaching his wife and her house at a distance of less than 100 meters, but also a prohibition against communicating directly or indirectly using technical means or through third parties. Only communication on matters concerning the minor child is allowed through lawyers.

According to the judges, in case of contact with the child, the delivery and collection by the ex-wife or a person authorized by the wife will take place outside the AT of her residence. In fact, it is foreseen that during the delivery and reception the accused will not be able to address the person accompanying the child.

To participate in a counseling-therapeutic program of the National Solidarity Center.

It is recalled that the release of Apostolos Lytras had also been requested by Sofia Polyzogopoulou in her memorandum, noting that his temporary detention “has a negative effect on the psychology of our daughter, whose protection is a top priority for me”.

Memorandum of Polyzogopoulos

It is recalled that in mid-August, his wife and victim in the Sofia Polyzogopoulou case filed a memorandum requesting, among other things, his release from prison. In her memorandum, the 37-year-old criminologist states that “the extension of the temporary detention of my estranged husband is a given that it has a negative effect on the psychology of our daughter, whose protection is a top priority for me.”

In the same document, the 37-year-old lawyer clarifies that her request concerns the psychology of the couple’s minor daughter, but also that she does not back down from supporting the felony charges brought against him by the prosecutors based on her own statements and the rest of her evidence case file concerning her brutal beating.

According to reliable information, the memorandum was filed by Sofia Polyzogopoulou after an agreement had previously been reached with the criminologist so that she would have sole custody of their daughter, even regulating the lawyer’s contact hours with their child. Their purpose is for the child to have daily contact with his father and not to be cut off from him.

Closing her memorandum, Sofia Polyzogopoulou reportedly concludes by stating that the presence of their father is needed by his two older daughters from his first marriage, who with what has happened are not in a good psychological state.

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#Apostolos #Lytras #reasons #released #prison #charge #turned #felony #misdemeanor



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