Apetatitlán’s Former Mayor Celebrates 14 Years of Progress in the Hospital Zone

The task of convincing people to donate a land reserve and having health infrastructure, was the part that the former mayor of San Pablo Apetatitlán, Salvador Calderón Riveroll, had to take on to convert San Matías Tepetomatitlán in the Hospital Zone.

After this newspaper published that San Pablo Apetatitlan It has become an epicenter of health care, the doctor by profession shared that in 2000 the opportunity arose to donate land for a health project, which was initially considered a Mental Health Center and finally the state government in turn installed the Tlaxcala Institute of Specialized Health Assistance (ITAES).

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In the conversation, Calderón Riveroll mentioned that people were not convinced by the project because they thought it would serve “crazy people””, which is why he had to go to practically every home in Saint Matthias Tepetomatitlan to explain that these were health services that would benefit the population.

“We went house to house to explain the social benefits of the health project in that area, which used to be a dirt road. People gave their point of view and we gave the arguments for the importance of the territorial reserve for use of health services,” he noted.

More details:➡️ In Apetatitlán, vendors in the hospital area are being reorganized

He said that in a town meeting, due to customs and traditions, the families of San Matías approved the donation for the health project, but due to the size of the space at that time, The Ministry of Health and Public Works decided to build a space of greater importance in services: the ITAES with two thousand square meters.

14 years after that territorial donation for health services, The former mayor of San Pablo Apetatitlán said that the district has a privileged location because it connects with the center, north and south of the state, hence the consolidation of the hospital area.

​How did Salvador Calderón Riveroll ‍convince the community of San Matías Tepetomatitlán to donate land for healthcare services?

Convincing a ⁤Community to Donate​ Land for Healthcare: The Story of San Matías Tepetomatitlán

Keyword: San Matías Tepetomatitlán, Hospital Zone, Healthcare Infrastructure, Land Reserve, San ​Pablo Apetatitlán, Mental ⁢Health Center, Tlaxcala Institute of Specialized Health Assistance (ITAES)

In the small town of San⁤ Matías Tepetomatitlán, a former mayor’s determination and perseverance led ⁤to‍ a significant transformation, turning ⁣the area into a hub for healthcare services. Salvador Calderón Riveroll, a doctor by profession, took on the challenging task of‍ convincing the local community to donate‌ a land reserve for the development of health infrastructure. ⁤This article ⁣explores the journey of converting San Matías Tepetomatitlán into a Hospital Zone, highlighting the importance of community engagement and the benefits of healthcare ⁢infrastructure.

The Initial Challenge

In 2000, the opportunity⁢ to donate land for a health project arose, which was initially conceived as a Mental ⁣Health Center. However, the state government ultimately decided to establish the Tlaxcala Institute of Specialized Health Assistance (ITAES) in ⁤San Pablo Apetatitlán. The project’s success relied heavily on the community’s ​willingness to donate ‌the necessary land reserve. This is where Calderón Riveroll’s leadership and dedication came into play.

Overcoming Misconceptions

The former mayor ‍faced an uphill battle as many locals were skeptical about the project, fearing that the Mental ‍Health Center would only cater to “crazy people.” To address these concerns, Calderón Riveroll embarked on a door-to-door campaign, visiting nearly every household in San Matías Tepetomatitlán to explain the benefits of the health project. He engaged with the community, listening to their concerns and providing persuasive arguments for the importance of the⁣ territorial reserve for healthcare services.

The Power of Community Engagement

Calderón Riveroll’s efforts paid off, as the community began to understand the value of having a health infrastructure in their area. The transformation of the once-dirt road into a thriving​ healthcare hub was a testament to the power of ⁢community engagement. By involving the ‌local residents in the decision-making process, the‌ former mayor built trust and generated support for the project.

The Result: A ⁤Hub for Healthcare

Today, San Matías⁢ Tepetomatitlán is a thriving Hospital Zone, providing essential healthcare services to the local‍ community. The Tlaxcala Institute ‌of Specialized ⁢Health Assistance (ITAES) has become a beacon of hope⁢ for those​ seeking medical attention. The success of this project is a direct result of Calderón Riveroll’s tireless efforts ⁢to convince ⁤the community to donate the‍ land reserve.


The story of San Matías Tepetomatitlán serves as a shining example ⁣of the ⁣importance of community engagement and the benefits of healthcare infrastructure. By overcoming initial misconceptions and engaging with the local population, ‌Calderón Riveroll was able to bring about a transformative‌ change to the area. As the town continues to⁤ grow and flourish,⁢ the ​Hospital Zone‍ remains a testament to the power of determination and collaboration.

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Related Links

In Apetatitlán, vendors in the hospital​ area are being reorganized

San Pablo Apetatitlán: The epicenter of healthcare in ‌the region

What strategies did Salvador Calderón Riveroll use to convince the residents of San Matías Tepetomatitlán to support the land donation for healthcare purposes?

Here is the comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of convincing people to donate a land reserve and having health infrastructure:

How did Salvador Calderón Riveroll convince the community of San Matías Tepetomatitlán to donate land for healthcare services?

Convincing a Community to Donate Land for Healthcare: The Story of San Matías Tepetomatitlán

Keyword: San Matías Tepetomatitlán, Hospital Zone, Healthcare Infrastructure, Land Reserve, San Pablo Apetatitlán, Mental Health Center, Tlaxcala Institute of Specialized Health Assistance (ITAES)

In the small town of San Matías Tepetomatitlán, a former mayor’s determination and perseverance led to a significant transformation, turning the area into a hub for healthcare services. Salvador Calderón Riveroll, a doctor



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