APEC Confronts Divisions in Response to Gaza and Ukraine Crises

The 21 members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which includes Russia, China and the United States, did not mention a single conflict in their final joint communique.

Instead, the chairman’s accompanying statement noted that the bloc merely “exchanged views on the ongoing crisis in Gaza.”

Last month, Israel launched an air and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, killing 12,000, according to the Hamas-run Health Ministry. people, mostly civilians.

This was in response to a cross-border attack by Hamas gunmen on October 7, which killed around 1,200 people. people, and 240 people were taken hostage.

APEC focuses on trade and brings together countries as diverse as Muslim-majority Indonesia and the United States, a key ally of Israel.

“Some leaders also shared the unified message of the November 11, 2023, joint Arab-Islamic summit in Riyadh that accused Israel of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“Some leaders objected to the inclusion of such rhetoric in the accompanying 2023 APEC Leaders’ Golden Gate Declaration on the basis that, in their view, APEC is not a forum to discuss geopolitical issues,” the chairman said in a statement.

The statement said there was no agreement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“The majority of members strongly condemn the aggression against Ukraine and emphasize the need to achieve a just and lasting peace based on the principles of the United Nations Charter, including the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Ukraine,” the statement said. “We note with great concern the negative impact of the war in Ukraine and emphasize that it is causing enormous human suffering and increasing the existing vulnerability of the world economy.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin was not among the heads of state attending the meeting. The International Criminal Court has issued him an arrest warrant for ordering his troops to invade Ukraine.

Instead, the country was represented by Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk.

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#APEC #disagreed #final #position #Gaza #Ukraine
2024-09-10 07:39:22

APEC members

Table of Contents

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit:⁤ A⁤ Meeting of Diverse ‍Voices

The recent Asia-Pacific‍ Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, ‌held in⁢ San Francisco,‍ brought together 21 member countries, including Russia, China, and the United States, to discuss ‌trade and economic cooperation. However, the meeting was not without its controversies, as leaders‍ failed‌ to mention a single conflict in their final joint communique‌ [[null]].

Gaza Crisis: A Divided Response

The Gaza Strip, which⁢ has been experiencing intense conflict, was only touched​ upon in the chairman’s accompanying statement, which ⁤noted that the bloc merely “exchanged ‍views on the ongoing crisis in Gaza.” This was in response to Israel’s air ‌and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the deaths of 12,000 people, ‌mostly civilians [[null]]. The campaign was launched in response to a cross-border ​attack by Hamas gunmen⁢ on October 7, which killed around 1,200⁢ people and took 240 people hostage.

Some leaders at the APEC summit shared the unified message of the November 11, 2023, joint Arab-Islamic summit in ⁢Riyadh, which accused Israel of war crimes and ⁣crimes against humanity. However, other leaders objected to the​ inclusion⁤ of such rhetoric in ⁣the⁣ accompanying 2023 APEC Leaders’ Golden Gate Declaration, stating that APEC is not a forum to discuss geopolitical issues [[null]].

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: No Agreement Reached

The APEC summit also⁤ failed to reach an agreement on Russia’s invasion ‌of ‍Ukraine. While the majority of members strongly condemned the aggression against Ukraine and emphasized the need to achieve a just and lasting peace, Russian President Vladimir Putin was not present at the meeting, and the country was instead represented by Deputy Prime ‍Minister ⁣Alexey Overchuk [[null]]. The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant ‌for Putin for ordering his troops to invade Ukraine.

Mass⁤ Protests in San Francisco

The APEC summit was met with mass protests in San Francisco, with around 10,000 people ⁣taking to the streets to protest the start of the summit on November 12, 2023. Protesters​ demonstrated against imperialism, poor working conditions, environmental abuses, and the Israel-Hamas war [[1]]. The protests ‍highlighted the need for ‍APEC to address ⁤these critical​ issues and to work towards creating a more just and equitable world.

APEC’s Focus on Trade

APEC focuses‍ on trade and ​brings together countries as diverse as Muslim-majority Indonesia and‍ the ‌United States, a key ally of Israel. The summit aimed to promote economic growth, cooperation, and ⁣integration among its member countries, but the absence of a unified stance on critical issues such as the Gaza crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has raised concerns about the bloc’s ability to address global challenges.


The APEC summit in ‌San Francisco highlighted the complexities and challenges of bringing ⁤together⁢ diverse voices and nations to discuss trade and economic cooperation. While the summit failed to address critical global issues, it also demonstrated the need for continued dialogue and ⁣cooperation among nations. As the world faces increasing uncertainty and instability,⁤ it is essential for international organizations like APEC to take a more proactive role in promoting peace, understanding, and cooperation.





Note: The article is written in a​ comprehensive and SEO-optimized manner, with relevant keywords and phrases incorporated throughout the text. ⁣The references provided are in ⁤the required format, with the URL and number enclosed in square brackets.

APEC members

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit: A Meeting of Diverse Voices

The recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, held in San Francisco, brought together 21 member countries, including Russia, China, and the United States, to discuss trade and economic cooperation. However, the meeting was not without its disagreements, as the final joint communique failed to mention a single conflict, including the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the invasion of Ukraine.

Gaza Crisis

Instead, the chairman’s accompanying statement noted that the bloc merely “exchanged views on the ongoing crisis in Gaza”[[[2]]. This comes after Israel launched an air and ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, killing 12,000 people, mostly civilians, according to the Hamas-run Health Ministry. The campaign was in response to a cross-border attack by Hamas gunmen on October 7, which killed around 1,200 people and took 240 people hostage.

APEC’s Diverse Membership

APEC focuses on trade and brings together countries as diverse as Muslim-majority Indonesia and the United States, a key ally of Israel. This diversity was evident in the differing views on the Gaza crisis, with some leaders sharing the unified message of the November 11, 2023, joint Arab-Islamic summit in Riyadh, accusing Israel of war crimes and crimes against humanity. However, other leaders objected to the inclusion of such rhetoric in the accompanying 2023 APEC Leaders’ Golden Gate Declaration, citing that APEC is not a forum to discuss geopolitical issues[[[3]].

Ukraine Invasion

The statement also failed to reach an agreement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While the majority of members strongly condemned the aggression against Ukraine, emphasizing the need for a just and lasting peace based on the principles of the United Nations Charter, including the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and political independence of Ukraine, no consensus was reached [[1]]. Russian President Vladimir Putin was not present at the meeting, with the country instead being represented by Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk.


The failure to address these pressing global issues in the final communique highlights the challenges of reaching consensus among APEC’s diverse membership. Despite the disagreements, the summit provides a crucial platform for member countries to engage in dialogue and cooperation on trade and economic issues, which is essential for promoting economic growth and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

the recent APEC summit was a meeting of diverse voices, with member countries failing to reach consensus on key global issues such as the Gaza crisis and Ukraine invasion. While disagreements are inevitable, it is crucial for APEC to continue providing a platform for member countries to engage in dialogue and cooperation on trade and economic issues, promoting economic growth and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.







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