Apartment building in Root burns again

fire service

Fire in apartment building in Root reignites

There was a fire in Root on Good Friday. An old apartment building caught fire. Now, a day later, the fire has reignited.

In Root it burns again on Saturday afternoon. The apartment building, which caught fire on Good Friday, has started to burn again. The Lucerne police confirmed a corresponding message PilatusToday. Traffic is single lane.

The apartment building was already on fire on Good Friday. Two people were on the roof and had to be rescued by firefighters using a ladder from a balcony. Another four people were able to get to safety on their own. One person had to be taken to the hospital with suspected smoke inhalation.

Fire brigade inspector Andras Schmid on the fire in Root.

Video: PilatusToday

Wooden house is difficult to erase

Firefighting is a challenge for the emergency services, says fire brigade inspector Andreas Schmid to “PilatusToday”: “It’s an old wooden house and we had the problem that the fire was already well advanced when the fire brigade arrived. The flames also attacked the mezzanines and the walls and are now migrating upwards.” The fire quickly spread over several floors. The building is no longer habitable.

Andreas Schmid also expects major property damage. How high is not known at this time. No information can be given about the possible cause of the fire. A total of more than 80 firefighters were deployed to extinguish the fire, including members of the Root and Ebikon-Dierikon fire brigades and four employees of the Lucerne city fire brigade. (pl/lil/rem)

A video by a reader reporter shows clouds of smoke rising into the sky on Friday afternoon:

The burning house from a distance.

Video: Leserreporter

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