Aparna Balamurali’s Ini Aatwat, which was released in the Malayalam mystery thriller genre, is getting a great response from the audience on the ZEE5 OTT platform. Ani Awad is the first Malayalam film to cross ten million streaming minutes within forty-eight hours of its release on the OTT platform. Produced by A&V Entertainments, the film stars National Award winner Aparna Balamurali, Harish Uttaman, Kalabhavan Shajon, Chandunath, Siddique, Jaffer Idukki, Siddharth Menon in lead roles.
Directed by Sudheesh Ramachandran and scripted by Ranjith Unni, Ini Awatb has received good response in theaters as well. A murder mystery thriller packed with twists and turns, the film released on December 23 as a New Year gift to ZEE5 viewers. Traveling through a female-centric character, Now Answers is available in more than 190 countries. Aparna Balamurali plays Dr. The story begins with the character Janaki arriving at a police station in Idukki and confessing to CI Karun, played by Shajon, that she has committed a murder. ZEE5 has a great reception for the story line which surprises the audience every minute. With 8.5 on IMBD rating, the film’s success in theaters is being replicated on ZEE 5 as well.