AP takes action against deepfake porn

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) wants to combat deepfake porn, but realizes that the major distributors of manipulated porn videos are extremely difficult to tackle. AP chairman Aleid Wolfsen tells the AD that he still wants to start an investigation.

The immediate reason is the flood of pornographic material in which the faces of famous Dutch people have been edited. Nowadays, with AI, this can be done in an instant.

Wolfsen will soon enter into discussions with the Public Prosecution Service regarding any steps to be taken. The problem is that most porn sites do nothing regarding uploading porn that features people who have not given permission for this. Hosting, registration of sites and owners are usually located in countries or on remote islands where justice cannot do anything. The makers of these videos are also usually beyond the reach of legal prosecutors. Wolfsen has high fines in mind, but will first have to overcome all these obstacles. The porn site that spreads so many deepfakes is one of the ten largest websites in the world in terms of visitor numbers.



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