The entrance exam for the medical course is considered one of the most competitive and difficult in the country. According to a balance released by Unicamp (State University of Campinas), the modality was the most sought following by candidates interested in joining the institution in this year’s selection process. In total, the Medicine course had 5,923 applicants for only 22 vacancies, in a ratio of 269.23 candidates per vacancy, this being the most competitive entrance exam in the country.
In addition to the high demand, students who apply for a place at a university for a popular course, such as medicine, face another challenge: anxiety. Brazil has the population with the highest prevalence of anxiety disorders in the world, according to the last major global mapping of mental disorders, carried out by the WHO (World Health Organization).
On average, 9.3% of Brazilians suffer from pathological anxiety. Then comes Paraguay (7.6%), Norway (7.4%), New Zealand (7.3%) and Australia (7%). And preparation for the entrance exams can be a factor that contributes to the increase in this number, says Thiago Carvalho, professor and director of the preparatory course MetaMED, who has been dedicated to helping students to win a place in the medical course for years.
“Students who are preparing for the medical entrance exam face a great challenge: in addition to having to deal with an enormous amount of content to be studied, they also have to deal with family pressure and the expectations they have created for themselves”, he observes. .
According to the professor, anxiety is a recurring problem among students who are preparing for the entrance exams: “Many students have anxiety attacks, insomnia, lack of appetite and other physical symptoms that affect their performance in studies and, consequently, in their careers. entrance exam”.
To deal with this issue, according to Carvalho, metaMED offers students various activities aimed at reducing anxiety, such as yoga classes, meditation and psychological counseling. “In addition, the teaching team also works with students to help them organize their study routine, set goals and deal with external pressures”.
He points out that, despite the difficulty, it is possible to overcome anxiety and win a place in medical school. “It is important for students to keep in mind that the entrance exam is a step, not an end in itself. It is possible to reach the goal, but it takes patience, persistence and emotional balance”, he says.
Data from the Ministry of Education show that, in recent years, the demand for medical courses has grown significantly in the country, adds Carvalho. Given this scenario, the professor and director of the MetaMED preparatory course reinforces the importance of students seeking quality preparatory courses and dedicating themselves to the maximum to achieve their goals.
“The medical entrance exam is a difficult test, but it is not impossible. With dedication, discipline and the help of qualified professionals, students can overcome challenges and win a place in the course of their dreams”, he concludes.
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