ANUTTC opens the campaign for the regularization of properties and built areas –

The National Agency for Urban Planning, Topographical Works and Cadastre (ANUTTC) opened the first land regularization campaign on Tuesday. This campaign, authorized by the President of the Transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, aims to inform and support users in the procedure leading to the establishment of a land title.

The process begins with the first contact between the user and the services of the National Agency for Urban Planning, Topographical Works and the Land Registry through the reception and information service. This is followed by the opening of the user’s file by a dedicated manager, which is the very first step in land regularization.

Land regularization is a procedure which consists, for the ANUTTC and the public authorities, in legalizing the status of illegal occupants by giving them the right to access land ownership, by obtaining a land title.

A user applying for land regularization in front of an ANUTTC counter ©

The ANUTTC specifies that the opening of a file does not automatically confer ownership of the subdivision, but rather the start of the process of acquiring said property which should be confirmed by land surveys before the issuance of the decision to transfer any property, an essential step for the issuance of the land title itself.

For the current campaign, the National Agency for Urban Planning, Topographical Works and the Land Registry, open during working days and hours, intends to receive and process more than fifty files per day.

The DG of ANUTTC ©
The DG of ANUTTC ©

“Since its creation, ANUTTC has issued approximately 105,000 decisions on the transfer of all property. This decision transferring all property to the applicant allows the user to continue the regularization procedure with the Land Registry and Mortgages services, with a view to obtaining the definitive land title.”said Adelphe Gildas Mickoto, Director General of ANUTTC.

Created in 2012, the ANUTTC’s mission is to develop urban and rural building spaces, create plots for the transfer of lots, draw up transfer deeds, provide purchasers with title deeds established by the Conservation of Landed Property and Mortgages and manage the State’s land and built properties.

Alph’-Whilem Eslie and Roberte Adé

2024-08-21 14:53:52
#ANUTTC #opens #campaign #regularization #properties #built #areas



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