Antwerp, first city on the European podium for cocaine consumption

These results measured in the laboratory seem to be verified in daily life in Antwerp. The followingnoon is calm at the Free Clinic, a structure that comes to the aid of problematic consumers. In the entrance hall, a dozing man sits on the floor, half a liter of strong beer in his hand. From the outset, Tino Ruyters, the director of the Free Clinic warns us: ” Here, we welcome consumers with a very heavy addiction.

The often precarious and marginalized public that turns to this association generally touches several drugs, sometimes for a very long time. Tino Ruyters classifies consumers into two broad categories. “ There is a very large group of consumers who can be considered recreational users. They take cocaine at parties, or on weekends. And there is a smaller group of problematic consumers. There is a feeling that the casual user group is growing. “The number of problematic consumers seems to him to be rather stable.

Robin Fernandez shares this sentiment. He is a psychosocial worker at the Free Clinic and meets consumers daily. ” I think it’s more the number of occasional users that is increasing “. Robin Fernandez does not hesitate to speak of a form of trivialization of the consumption of cocaine. ” When someone says they’re going to take a line of coke, before, it would have provoked reactions. Now much less, I think. I can hardly speak for all of society, but when I hear people talking regarding coke, it’s as if they’re going to smoke a cigarette, drink a coffee or a cola. “As time passed, the cocaine took up more and more space according to the observations of the director, Tino Ruyters.” A few years ago, most questions to our inquiry point were regarding cannabis. There was a slip. Today it is cocaine which has replaced cannabis as the main product of concern.



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