Antonio Scurati and “the Resistance in the making”, Gasparri strikes the left –

A question of money and the usual anti-government rhetoric. The case linked to Antonio Scurati’s monologue missed on Rai continues to spark controversy. “For many, us among them, defending freedom is priceless. For some, however, it is worth 1,800 euros per minute”, says the president of Forza Italia senators Maurizio Gasparri on and with a precise reference to the request that the writer would have made to Rai for his monologue on Chesarà, the program hosted by Serena Bortone on Rai1. Who yesterday, among other things, read the speech by the author of “M. The son of the century” following Giorgia Meloni herself had released the full text on social media.

Political war  once morest Rai, never received phone calls: Darken, Sergio speaks

Returning to Gasparri, the Italian senator stings Scurati: “The Resistance cannot be included in the bill”. In the centre-right, the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, also spoke on the sidelines of the opening of the Forza Italia electoral campaign in Milan: “As far as I’m concerned, everyone can say what they want without insulting anyone. I have never allowed myself to call no one, neither at Rai nor elsewhere, to say not to let someone talk. But for me this doesn’t exist.

The Scurati case reignites the controversy.  Tajani: No fascist resurgence

Meanwhile, in the Rai broadcasts, the statement from Usigrai, a union of public service journalists, was read, according to which “the control of Rai’s top management over public service information becomes more suffocating every day”. “No control over information and no censorship have been carried out by the company once morest programs and hosts. Rai is the heritage of all Italians and today more than ever expresses the values ​​of pluralism and freedom of expression”, replies Viale Mazzini who reiterates: “No one has ever questioned the possibility of participation of the writer Antonio Scurati in the program ‘Che will be’ hosted by Serena Bortone, whose presence had been widely announced. The attempt to exploit with sterile polemics a case made up out of nothing, risks nullifying the great commitment that the company has made in recent months to improve its industrial and economic structure and protect and enhance the great tradition of the Public Service”, reads the note. Clarifications which, as expected, go unnoticed on the left with Schlein symbolically returning to the square in front of Viale Mazizni: “This Rai is no longer a public service, they are transforming it into the government’s megaphone”, he tells Repubblica.

#Antonio #Scurati #Resistance #making #Gasparri #strikes #left #Tempo
2024-04-22 07:20:00



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