Antonio Martínez will continue as head of the SAT: Claudia Sheinbaum

Antonio Martínez will continue as head of the SAT: Claudia Sheinbaum

MEXICO CITY.- The president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaumannounced that Antonio Martinez Dagnino will remain as head of the Tax Administration Service (SAT).

After leaving her transition house for a meeting at the National Palace, Claudia Sheinbaum highlighted that Almost the entire team will stay of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SCHP) for its administration, the holder of which will continue to be Rogelio Ramirez de la O.

“Antonio (Martínez, at the SAT) will stay, he will stay. Virtually the entire Treasury team will stay, except for the Undersecretary of Expenditures, Juan Pablo De Botton, who will go to the City government and the colleague who was currently the Secretary of Finance and Undersecretary of Graduates will come (to the government).”

He said that the decision to keep Antonio Martínez at the head of the SAT was because it is an honest team.

“It’s an honest team, all of them, and they know public finances, our project, and I’m very happy to work with them,” she said.

  1. Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon — Secretary of Economy
  2. Rosaura Ruiz Gutierrez — Head of a new secretariat: National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies
  3. Juan Ramon de la Fuente — Secretary of Foreign Affairs
  4. Alicia Barcena — Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat)
  5. Julio Berdegue Sacristan — Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sagarpa).
  6. Ernestina Godoy Ramos — Legal Counsel
  7. Rogelio Ramirez de la O — Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP)
  8. Jose Antonio Pena Merino — Head of the Digital Transformation and Telecommunications Agency
  9. Luz Elena Gonzalez Escobar — Ministry of Energy
  10. David Kershenobich Stalnikowitz — Secretary of Health
  11. Raquel Buenrostro Sanchez — Head of the Civil Service
  12. Jesus Antonio Esteva Medina — Secretary of Communications and Transportation
  13. Edna Vega Rangel — Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu)
  14. Rose Icela Rodriguez — Ministry of the Interior (SEGOB)
  15. Mario Delgado — Ministry of Public Education (SEP)
  16. Ariadna Montiel — Ministry of Welfare
  17. Omar García Harfuch — Secretariat of Public Safety and Citizen Protection (SSPC)
  18. Claudia Curiel de Icaza — Ministry of Culture.
  19. Josefina Rodriguez Zamora — Ministry of Tourism (Sectur)

Claudia Sheinbaum: expanded cabinet and other positions

  1. Lazaro Cardenas Batel — Head of the Office of the President
  2. Claudia Curiel de Icaza — Ministry of Culture.
  3. Josefina Rodriguez Zamora — Ministry of Tourism (Sectur)
  4. Marath Bolanos Lopez — Ministry of Labor and Social Security (STyPS).
  5. Zoe Robledo — Head of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)
  6. Arturo Zaldivar — Coordinator of Politics and Government in the Presidency
  7. Leticia Ramirez Amaya — coordinator of intergovernmental affairs and social participation.
  8. Carlos Torres — technical secretary of the Presidency.
  9. Emilia Esther Calleja — head of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
  10. Alejandro Svarch Perez — General Director of IMSS-Bienestar.
  11. Citlalli Hernandez — Head of the Women’s Secretariat
  12. Tatiana Clouthier — Head of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME).
  13. Marti Batres — Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE)
  14. Victor Rodriguez Padilla — Mexican Petroleum (Pemex)
  15. Ricardo Trevilla Trejo — Ministry of National Defense (Sedena)
  16. Raymundo Pedro Morales Angeles — Semar
  17. Rommel Pacheco Marrufo — National Sports Commission (Conade)
  18. Octavio Romero — National Workers’ Housing Fund (Infonavit).
  19. Cesar Ivan Escalante Ruiz — Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco).
  20. Efrain Morales Lopez — National Water Commission (Conagua).
  21. Mariana Boy Tamborrell — Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa).
  22. Lyndia Quiroz Zavala — National Fund for Tourism Development (Fonatur).
  23. Violeta Abreu Gonzalez — Mexican Postal Service (Sepomex).
  24. Renata Turrent Hegewisch — General Director of Canal Once.
  25. Rocio Mejia Flores — Financial Institution for Well-Being (FINABIEN).
  26. Rocio Barcena Molina — Undersecretary of Democratic Development, Social Participation and Religious Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior.
  27. Alonso Millan Zepeda — General Director of Channel 22.

Read: Rommel Pacheco will be the new director of Conade

#Antonio #Martínez #continue #SAT #Claudia #Sheinbaum
2024-09-22 01:32:12



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