Antonio Alonzo Ruiz: Anxious or obsessive attachment

Antonio Alonzo Ruiz: Anxious or obsessive attachment

Another psychological pathology that is related to “insecure attachment” is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which presents recurrent obsessions (irrational beliefs) and compulsions (repetitive and uncontrolled behaviors) that cause deep discomfort and interfere with the daily performance and quality of life of the person who suffers from it.

For example, the person feels an exaggerated desire and need for order and control over things and people that leaves no room for flexibility in thought and behavior.

In OCD patients, irrational and recurrent beliefs (obsessions) tend to focus on topics such as aggression, sexuality, religion and illness, among others, which, consequently, causes repetitive, intense and uncontrolled behaviors (obsessions) on those same topics.

“Insecure attachment” is characterized by poor emotional regulation, either in an anxious or avoidant manner. This is a dysfunctional pattern caused by the lack of emotional connection and attention from parents – whether from childhood, adolescence or even in youth – due to not being able to adequately meet the basic needs of physical and emotional support, whether due to a clear lack of interest, ignorance, negligence and irresponsibility or by establishing chaotic and unstable relationships with their children.

The implications of “insecure attachment” in the construction of OCD are developed mainly through three mechanisms: emotional dysregulation, hypervigilance to threats and a feeling of incomprehension and lack of adaptation, which we will discuss in the following talks.

Clinical psychologist, UVHM. Mental Health and Spirituality Tutor for Adults. WhatsApp: 9993-46-62-06.

#Antonio #Alonzo #Ruiz #Anxious #obsessive #attachment
2024-09-04 13:07:29



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