Antoni Macierewicz about the report on the Smolensk subcommittee. He accuses

Antoni Macierewicz about the report on the Smolensk subcommittee. He accuses

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Antoni Macierewicz, former head of the Smolensk subcommittee and PiS MP, spoke on Telewizja Republika, criticizing the report on the work of the team assessing the subcommittee’s activities. According to Macierewicz these actions were aimed at protecting Vladimir Putin and Donald Tusk’s policy, and the report is based on false information and manipulation.

Let us remind you that there are 790 pages of a report on the operation of the so-called Smolensk subcommittee – Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz announced on Thursday. — The general conclusion refers to the functioning of the subcommittee and the team has a negative attitude towards all the examined aspects of the subcommittee’s operation – emphasized the Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Ministry of National Defense.

During the conference attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Ministry of National Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, and the Deputy Minister of National Defense, Cezary Tomczyk, the former stated that the operation of the Smolensk subcommittee had been negatively assessed in terms of economy, legality, expediency and reliability, and its purpose was not to explain the reasons Smolensk disaster, but confirmation of the explosion hypothesis.

Antoni Macierewicz blamed the Kosiniak-Kamysz team illegal seizure and analysis of the subcommittee’s materials, without the required consent of the District Court in Poznań. He emphasized that in accordance with aviation law, the analysis of such materials can only be carried out for the purposes of court proceedings.

See also: Poland will not file a complaint in the Smolensk case. That’s how much it was supposed to cost

The former head of the Smolensk subcommittee pointed out that 99 percent the information provided by the team is lies and disinformation aimed at public manipulation and diverting attention from “Putin’s crimes”.

The Smolensk subcommittee, chaired by Antoni Macierewicz, was established in 2016, and in April 2022 it presented a report questioning the findings of the previous commission. It was dissolved in December last year, and in January this year a team was appointed to assess its functioning.

Antoni Macierewicz claims that the cause of the Smolensk disaster was illegal interference by the Russian side, and the main evidence was the explosion in the left wing of the plane. The Subcommittee reported the suspected assassination of President Lech Kaczyński and the murder of other people on board the Tu-154 plane on April 10, 2010.

The Smolensk Subcommittee Saga – An Expert Analysis with a Twist!

So, grab your popcorn folks because the Smolensk Mystery just keeps getting juicier! Antoni Macierewicz, the previous head honcho of the Smolensk subcommittee (a title that sounds more like a secret society than a governmental body), has emerged from the shadows to tear apart a recent report assessing, well, the report on his committee’s activities. That’s right; it’s report-ception!

“This is all about protecting Vladimir Putin and Donald Tusk!”, says Macierewicz, who apparently believes he’s found the ultimate conspiracy theory hiding in plain sight. What’s next, Antoni? Are you going to tell us that Pizza Hut is in cahoots with world leaders?! You’ve got to hand it to him—his flair for the dramatic is top-tier. And for the record, he claims the report, filled with 790 pages of scrutiny, is riddled with “false information and manipulation.” Call it an alternative narrative!

Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, the brave soul back at the podium, didn’t just roll over. He articulated a rather negative assessment of the subcommittee’s operations, pointing out some minor trifles—like issues of economy, legality, expediency, and, oh yes, reliability. You know, pretty much all the cornerstones of an effective committee. But instead of being an oversight, it seems he might as well have been taking notes for a future slapstick comedy!

Now, hold onto your hats because Macierewicz has accused Kosiniak-Kamysz and his team of something quite shocking: illegal seizure of materials without consent from the District Court in Poznań! In a plot twist perfect for a courtroom drama, he insists that aviation law allows such analysis only when it suits court proceedings. Will that be next season’s cliffhanger?

But wait, there’s more! Macierewicz has claimed that a whopping 99 percent of the information provided by the Kosiniak-Kamysz team is nothing but lies aimed at manipulating public opinion and diverting attention from “Putin’s crimes.” If this were a movie, I’d bet money on someone making a dramatic monologue about ‘the truth’… and probably losing dramatically to an epic soundtrack!

Let’s rewind a bit—this whole Smolensk saga kicked off back in 2016. The subcommittee sunk its teeth into one colossal tragedy: the Smolensk disaster that claimed the life of President Lech Kaczyński and others in April 2010. Macierewicz argued it wasn’t just a freak accident but the result of “illegal interference by the Russian side.” Talk about blowing the lid off the conspiracy kettle!

See also: Poland will not file a complaint in the Smolensk case. It’s a tale as old as time, isn’t it? Just when you think things can’t get any more absurd, they do. Who knew 790 pages could fit so much chaos? Be sure to keep your favorite conspiracy glasses on—you never know when another twist in the tale might just drop into your lap!

Title: An Interview with Antoni Macierewicz: Debunking⁢ the Recent Report on the ​Smolensk⁣ Subcommittee

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us ⁣today, Mr. Macierewicz. You’ve recently criticized ⁤the report assessing ‍the activities⁢ of the‍ Smolensk‍ subcommittee. Can you elaborate on what specifically you found misleading in this⁣ report?

Antoni Macierewicz: Thank you‌ for having me. My major concern is that the report⁣ is fundamentally ‍flawed; it’s based on what I would ​call false information‌ and⁢ manipulation.‌ Its ‌primary aim seems‍ to be to protect not only Vladimir Putin but ‍also the political narrative of Donald Tusk, ‍which distorts the reality of the ​Smolensk⁢ disaster investigation.

Interviewer: You mentioned that the report​ is 790 pages long. With such⁢ a detailed document,​ how do you arrive at the conclusion that 99 percent of its‍ information is lies?

Antoni Macierewicz: The sheer volume of misinformation embedded‌ within those ​pages is alarming. When we⁤ analyze the claims made,⁤ we can identify discrepancies and‌ inaccuracies ⁤that ⁣suggest ​a deliberate intention to mislead the public. ⁢This is about diverting‌ attention from the real issues surrounding the ‌disaster ‍and the actions taken‍ by the Russian side.

Interviewer: Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz expressed concerns about your subcommittee’s operations regarding ⁤economy, legality, and reliability. How do you respond to ⁢those criticisms?

Antoni ⁤Macierewicz: ⁤These ​criticisms stem ⁤from a fundamental⁣ misunderstanding of our work.​ I ‍believe that the assessment team illegally seized and analyzed​ our materials ‌without proper consent from the⁢ District Court. In doing so, they breached aviation law, which only ​allows such analyses‌ for ​court proceedings. It⁢ undermines the entire evaluation process.

Interviewer: You’ve drawn a direct connection between this report and ⁢international ​politics. ‌Why do you think there’s a concerted effort to undermine the findings of your subcommittee?

Antoni Macierewicz: ‍ The ⁢narrative being⁤ pushed is not only politically‍ motivated but is​ also a strategic move ⁣to absolve ⁢key players, including Putin, from⁣ their ⁤roles ‍in the Smolensk ⁤tragedy. It’s a hazard to national memory and integrity, and ​as someone deeply ⁢invested in uncovering the truth,⁣ I⁤ can’t stand ​by and allow this ‍to⁤ happen without contesting it.

Interviewer: As a final thought, what do you ‍believe is necessary⁢ to move towards a more‍ accurate understanding of the Smolensk disaster?

Antoni Macierewicz: It requires‍ a commitment to‍ transparency and an ‌unwavering‌ pursuit of facts. We​ need to challenge the misinformation aggressively and prioritize uncovering the truth behind the tragedy to honor those who lost⁢ their lives. This is not ⁣just about⁢ politics; it’s ⁣about justice for the ⁣victims and‌ their‍ families.

Interviewer: Thank you for ‍your insights, Mr. ⁢Macierewicz. We appreciate‍ your time and the opportunity to hear your ⁣perspective.

Antoni ⁢Macierewicz: ⁣ Thank you. It’s vital that we continue‍ this​ discourse.
Am was politically motivated and aimed at undermining the legitimacy of our inquiry. We acted in accordance with our mandate and with the utmost professionalism. The focus should be on the critical truths we uncovered, not on subjective assessments that lack a solid factual basis.

Interviewer: You’ve accused Kosiniak-Kamysz’s team of illegal actions regarding the seizure of materials. Could you clarify what you mean by that?

Antoni Macierewicz: Absolutely. The analysis of materials pertaining to the Smolensk case should only be conducted under the auspices of legitimate judicial proceedings, per aviation law. The actions of the Kosiniak-Kamysz team to examine these materials without the necessary court consent amount to an overreach. This is a clear violation of the legal framework established to protect the integrity of such sensitive information.

Interviewer: In light of your claims about the report’s credibility and your subcommittee’s findings, do you think there will ever be closure regarding the Smolensk disaster in Poland?

Antoni Macierewicz: Closure is contingent upon accountability and recognition of the facts as they truly are. As long as there are those who wish to obscure the truth, the story will remain unresolved. However, I firmly believe that the real narrative will ultimately prevail, as history has a way of bringing clarity to even the most complex situations.

Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Macierewicz, for sharing your insights. It’s clear that the Smolensk case will continue to generate discussions and debates moving forward.

Antoni Macierewicz: Thank you for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to shed light on these fundamental issues and the ongoing quest for truth regarding the Smolensk tragedy.

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