Antirrio Castle is becoming universally accessible, the design and interventions PHOTOS – 2024-07-22 13:14:58

Antirrio Castle is becoming universally accessible, the design and interventions PHOTOS
 – 2024-07-22 13:14:58

The Castle of Antirrio has upgraded visitor service infrastructure, so that it can meet the special needs of people with disabilities.

The aim of the Ministry of Culture is for this important fortified monument to be included in the universally accessible places of culture by contributing to the “silver economy” and to the utilization of art for the improvement of mental health, in the context of the projects and actions implemented by the Ministry of Culture with funds from the Fund Recovery.

The planning of the Ministry of Culture includes the creation of an accessible route, an informational area, a refreshment room and sanitary facilities for the disabled and the elderly.

General overview of the proposed interventions

The Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni stated: “Restoration works have been carried out in the Antirrio Castle in previous years by the competent services of the Ministry of Culture. But, at that time, the proper conditions of safe browsing were not created for all its visitors, especially for disabled people and our fellow human beings with disabilities. The ascent ramps on the ring road do not provide the necessary gradient. The vantage points on the bastions are not safe. There is no wheelchair accessible route. There is a lack of an appropriately designed informational and exhibition area, where all visitors, especially the older age groups, can rest creatively. As a result of all the above shortcomings, the monument has low attendance, despite the fact that in the summer months there is a large attendance at the cultural events hosted inside the Castle. Through the work carried out by the competent Ephorate of Antiquities, functional and morphological issues are now being resolved, in order to ensure the unhindered and safe movement of all visitors, through a tour route to important areas of the monument and service infrastructures accessible to all. Our aim is for the Castle, as a visitable monument, to be a friendly destination for both the disabled and the elderly, as well as a place to host cultural events, with a potential capacity of up to 4,500 people. At the same time, Aitoloakarnania acquires a new dynamic development resource for the benefit of the local society and economy”.

Antirrio Castle is becoming universally accessible, the design and interventions PHOTOS
 – 2024-07-22 13:14:58

Surveillance photo with marking of the proposed interventions

The entrance of the Castle with the arched portico

The entrance of the Castle with the arched portico

The Castle of Antirrio, the ancient Molykreion, was built by Sinan Pasha by order of Sultan Bayezid II, opposite the cape and the corresponding Castle of Rio, in the strait called “Little Dardanelles”, immediately after the capture of Nafpaktos, the 1499. The extant fort has a polygonal plan with the two coastal sides converging towards the south side, which enters the sea with a large rampart, organized in six successive vaulted spaces that carry cannon mounts. The moat was filled in in the 20th century after the formation of the pier of the old port. The entrance is formed by an elongated arched portico, on either side of which there are double-vaulted watchtowers, the first two-story. In the inner outdoor area of ​​the fortress there are no remains as the area has not been excavated. There are only some traces of roofs due to the existence of former military installations. The continuous reconstructions make the description of the construction phases of the Castle indiscernible.

The existing reception area with the guardhouse and the publishing house

The existing reception area with the guardhouse and the publishing house

#Antirrio #Castle #universally #accessible #design #interventions #PHOTOS



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