Antioquia mayors threatened receive armored vehicles due to lack of response from UNP

The governor of Antioquia, Andrés Julián Rendón, has decided to assign an armored vehicle to the mayor of the municipality of Toledo, Jhonny Alberto Marín Muñetón, due to threats and attempts on his life. This measure is taken in response to the lack of action by the National Protection Unit (UNP), which had previously withdrawn the assigned armored vehicle.

«From the Antioquia Governorate we join the concern and the clamor of the mayor of Toledo, Johnny Marín, regarding his security. I have insisted on several occasions to the National Protection Unit to provide him with a robust system, an armored vehicle that allows him to fulfill his work as mayor of Toledo. However, the investigations of the Attorney General’s Office are not progressing. This is a mayor who in the past was the victim of an attack,» said Lina Cuartas Ospina, Secretary of Institutional Affairs, Peace and Nonviolence.

Mayor Marín Muñetón stressed that the measure is crucial for his safety and to continue his work as mayor. “We had to travel to the IACHR in the United States to ask the Colombian State to provide us with guarantees through precautionary measures to be able to carry out our work. I thank the governor for providing an armored vehicle for the Toledo Mayor’s Office, allowing me to move more easily throughout the Antioquia territory,” said the mayor.

It is worth remembering that the Departmental Administration had already delivered another armored vehicle to the mayor of San Rafael, Eduin Aniceto Giraldo Quintana, who was also threatened.

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Earlier this year, authorities confirmed that nearly 10 public officials from different parts of Antioquia reported being victims of threats from illegal armed groups.

2024-07-24 23:11:44
#Antioquia #mayors #threatened #receive #armored #vehicles #due #lack #response #UNP



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