Antigny. New season for the traveling cinema Balad’images

The Balad’images season starts again in October and will last until May 2023. Itinerant cinema of the Pays de La Châtaigneraie, Balad’images is a service offered by the Fédération Rural families via local associations. The community of municipalities supports this service through an agreement with the four municipalities concerned in the canton (free rooms). A dynamic team of volunteers invests in the choice of films, screening and communication.

They welcome you to four different screening locations: Antigny, Cheffois, La Chapelle-aux-Lys, Mouilleron-Saint-Germain. Fifty films are screened each season in all of these municipalities. At least one screening of films, for adults and children, is offered once a month, five weeks after their national release. The activity, within everyone’s reach (from 4 to 6 €), makes it possible to energize and animate the rural world.

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