Anticipating the 2024 Housing Census: Public Expectations Unveiled


The census is conducted in our country, as in many countries of the world, every 10 years. The General Population and Housing Census (RGPH) for the year 2024 is the seventh census that our country has witnessed since independence (1960-1971-1982-1994-2004-2014-2024), knowing that population censuses had been conducted before this date, but their objectives, motives and references were governed by colonialism, and the reliability of their results does not rise to the level of a population census.

The general population and housing census aims to determine the legal population of the Kingdom and to determine its demographic, economic and social characteristics and housing conditions, at the level of regions, provinces, communities and smaller territorial units such as rural douars and urban neighborhoods, in addition to creating a database and information that will be made available to stakeholders to formulate public and development policies for the country at all levels, and will be available to those interested in various specializations to deepen research into major development issues.

The 2024 general population and housing census was preceded by a preparation period supervised by the High Commission for Planning (HCP), which mainly included the cartographic preparation of field statistical units, and the training of supervisors, observers and researchers remotely and in person after fulfilling the conditions for actual participation based on competence, merit, sense of responsibility and discipline, before engaging in the process of collecting data directly from households starting from September 1, within the framework of Law No. 71-001 regulating and organizing the census process, Article 2 of which guarantees the confidentiality of information related to households and preventing its exploitation for judicial or tax prosecution, while Article 3 thereof specifies the legal measures that can be taken against individuals who refuse the procedure or deliberately make incorrect statements.

After the census process is over, what do citizens expect from this important national process?

1- Local actors are waiting for the publication of the detailed results of the general population and housing census at the level of communities, regions and districts, and to make them available to actors and public policy makers, especially at the level of territorial communities that cannot update their plans and work programs for the coming years without accurate and detailed data on demographic, socio-economic and other characteristics, and for this data to be available to those interested in scientific research in various disciplines, especially geography, economics, sociology, etc.

2- All citizens are waiting for the acceleration of the process of publishing the required data, which is expected to be of high quality, given the quality and accuracy of the stations and stages of preparation for the entire process, including the adoption of the electronic form in the process of collecting data from the field and sending the collected data in a timely manner after it has been adjusted by researchers and its quality verified by observers to the central servers of the High Commission for Planning, for the first time in our country in the history of completing population statistics. In this regard, there is no justification for waiting for a long time, as was the case in previous statistical operations in which the forms were paper (family form – housing form …) and the process of unpacking and processing their data requires effort and a specific period of time.

3- Families, especially those living in difficult social conditions, are waiting, after the database has been created, processed and the results of the general population and housing census have been published, to expand the base of social support programmes and correct the situation of those who do not benefit from them by including them in social protection programmes at the level of health coverage (AMO-AMO Solidarity…) and retirement systems (CNSS…) in addition to improving the services of the aforementioned systems and facilitating access to various health, treatment, hospital, educational and cultural services… which are supposed to expand the base of participation after strengthening the supply of institutions that provide these services within the framework of new work programmes set by local actors based on the results of the 2024 census.

4 – Those interested in scientific research await detailed and accurate statistical results concerning demographic, economic, social and cultural specificities at more precise geographical levels, starting with the douars, neighborhoods, territorial groups, regions and regions and ending at the general national level, comprehensive, undivided data that relieve researchers of the trouble of moving between the various administrations, which in turn provide only a little of what those concerned aspire to, including, for example, detailed internal migration data between groups, between regions and between regions that are not available to researchers in this specialization.


Hassan Farkakoum: Social Studies – Research Student in Geography – Faculty of Arts, Ibn Zohr University.

#Expectations #General #Population #Housing #Census
2024-09-07 00:13:12

Here is one People Also Ask ⁢(PAA) related question ⁢for the title **”The 2024 General Population and Housing Census (RGPH): A Step towards Social⁣ and Spatial Justice”**:

The 2024 General ‌Population and Housing ⁣Census (RGPH): A Step towards​ Social and Spatial Justice

Conducted every 10 years, the⁣ General Population and Housing Census​ (RGPH) is a crucial national process that aims to determine the legal population of the Kingdom and its‍ demographic, economic, and social characteristics, as well as housing conditions. ‌The 2024 census, the seventh‌ since independence,​ marks a significant milestone in the country’s efforts to promote social⁣ and spatial justice.

Preparation and Implementation

The High Commission for ‍Planning ‌(HCP) supervised the preparation ⁤phase, which included the ​cartographic preparation of field statistical units and the training of supervisors, observers,‍ and researchers. The census process, which⁤ began on September 1, is regulated by ⁣Law No.⁣ 71-001, which guarantees the confidentiality of ‌information related to households and prevents ⁤its exploitation for judicial or tax prosecution.

Objectives and Expected Outcomes

The ​RGPH ​aims to create a database and information system that will be made available​ to ‌stakeholders to ‍formulate public and development ‍policies for the country at all levels. The census is expected to provide detailed⁢ and accurate data ⁣on demographic, socio-economic, and ⁢other characteristics at various⁣ geographical‌ levels, including regions, provinces, communities, and smaller territorial units such as rural⁤ douars and urban neighborhoods.

What to Expect from the Census

After the census ⁣process is complete,⁣ citizens can expect several ‌outcomes:

  1. Detailed Results⁢ for Local ‌Actors: Local actors are waiting for the publication of detailed results at the level of communities, ⁢regions, and ⁤districts, which will enable them to update their plans⁤ and work programs for the coming years.
  2. High-Quality Data: Citizens expect the publication of high-quality data, ⁣which is anticipated to be accelerated ‍due to the​ use of ​electronic forms and timely⁤ data⁢ transmission to the⁣ central servers of the HCP.
  3. Expansion of Social ‍Support Programs: Families, especially‌ those living in difficult social conditions, expect the​ expansion of social​ support programs, including health coverage and⁢ retirement systems,⁤ following the creation of a database and publication of the census results.
  4. Accurate Statistical Results ​for Scientific Research: Researchers​ anticipate detailed and accurate statistical results concerning demographic, economic, social, and cultural specificities at precise geographical levels,‍ which‌ will facilitate⁢ research into major development issues.

RGPH 2024: A Tool for ⁤Social Protection

The RGPH 2024 is also seen as a tool for ⁣the Royal​ Project for the Generalization ​of Social Protection, which aims to promote social and spatial justice. According to the‌ Health Minister, the census is a fundamental phase in the preparation and ​implementation of this project​ [[1]].

Key Milestones

38,000 census districts have been delimited, marking a fundamental phase in the preparation and implementation⁤ of the RGPH 2024 [[2]].

⁢ The mapping of the RGPH 2024 was carried out​ between April 2023 and ‌March 2024, ahead of the census process [[2]].

the 2024 General ​Population and Housing Census​ (RGPH) is a crucial⁢ national process that aims to promote social and spatial justice in the country. As the census process comes to an end, citizens can expect detailed and accurate data, expansion of social support programs,⁣ and high-quality data for scientific research. ⁢The RGPH 2024 is ⁣an important step towards creating‍ a more equitable and just society.





Three major stages of conducting population census

The Significance of Population and Housing Censuses in Developing Countries

The General Population and Housing Census (RGPH) is a crucial national process that takes place every 10 years in many countries around the world, including our own. The 2024 census is the seventh census to be conducted since our country gained independence in 1960. Although population censuses were conducted before this date, their objectives, motives, and references were governed by colonialism, and the reliability of their results does not rise to the level of a population census.

The Purpose of a Population and Housing Census

The primary goal of a population and housing census is to determine the legal population of a country and to gather data on its demographic, economic, and social characteristics, as well as housing conditions, at various territorial levels, including regions, provinces, communities, and smaller units such as rural douars and urban neighborhoods [2[2]. This data is essential for formulating public and development policies, as well as for research into major development issues [3[3].

The 2024 Census: Preparation and Expectations

The 2024 general population and housing census was preceded by a preparation period supervised by the High Commission for Planning (HCP), which included the cartographic preparation of field statistical units and the training of supervisors, observers, and researchers. The census process itself began on September 1, with data collection taking place directly from households [1[1].

After the census process is complete, citizens expect several outcomes. Firstly, local actors are waiting for the publication of detailed results at the level of communities, regions, and districts, which will inform policy-making and research in various fields, such as geography, economics, and sociology. Secondly, citizens expect the acceleration of the data publication process, which is expected to be of high quality due to the adoption of electronic forms and timely data transmission. Thirdly, families, especially those living in difficult social conditions, are waiting for the expansion of social support programs and the correction of their situation through inclusion in social protection programs. researchers are awaiting detailed and accurate statistical results concerning demographic, economic, social, and cultural specificities at more precise geographical levels.


population and housing censuses are essential for gathering data that informs policy-making, research, and development planning. The 2024 census is a crucial national process that will provide valuable insights into our country’s demographic, economic, and social characteristics, as well as housing conditions. As citizens, we can expect the publication of detailed results, the acceleration of the data publication process, the expansion of social support programs, and the provision of accurate statistical results for research purposes.

Keywords: population census, housing census, RGPH, demographic characteristics, economic characteristics, social characteristics, housing conditions, policy-making, research, development planning.



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