Antibiotic Allergy: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

2024-08-13 09:46:41

Passed by a antibiotic treatmentsome people saw the appearance of Patches or pimples on the skin As a result, they are thought to be allergic.

Professor Pascal Demoly, a pneumonia allergy specialist at the University Hospital of Montpellier, said that eight out of ten cases are wrong. The rash is usually related to the infection itself, not the medication.

True antibiotic allergies are still rare. Among suspected cases, only 17% of adults and 9% of children were diagnosed through allergy testing.

What are the symptoms of antibiotic allergy?

It manifests itself in different ways: hives outbreak (itchy red patches) to bronchospasm difficulty breathing. When multiple organs are affectedallergic reaction accompanied by swelling of the throat (angioedema), sometimes, blood pressure drops (anaphylactic shock). “Drugs are the most common cause of death from anaphylaxis,” Professor Demoly noted.

Allergic reaction to antibiotics: How long after taking them?

this allergic reaction It may occur within an hour or within a few days of taking the medication. in some severe delay form, Skin necrosis (Lyell’s syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, etc.). Fortunately, these severe cases are rare, with 1 to 3 cases per million per year.

Penicillins (amoxicillin, etc.) top the allergy list

Potentially allergenic antibiotic classes include:

family Penicillins (amoxicillinClamoxyl, Augmentin, etc.) appeared first; Quinolones (CiprofloxacinCiflox, levofloxacin…);

allergy macrolides (inAzithromycin Currently tested for Covid-19) are rare. The exception to this is when you are allergic to one of these products, as are allergies to the entire family.

How do you know if you have an allergic reaction to antibiotic medicines?

The main basis for diagnosis Skin test. In effect, an extract of the suspected antibiotic is placed on the patient’s skin. If there is a reaction, allergy is confirmed.

If the test result remains negative, the hypothesis of allergy cannot be ruled out. one second test, called a “provocation,” was practiced. The antibiotic extract is then gradually absorbed orally under hospital supervision.

Two-thirds of people allergic to antibiotics react to a skin test and one-third react to a challenge test. That is why to establish a diagnosis, two tests must be performed in sequence. Professor Pascal Demoly, pneumonia allergy specialist at the University Hospital of Montpellier

Allergists advise anyone who thinks they are allergic to antibiotics to clear up any doubts by having these tests. To do this, just contact your doctor or personal allergist. This may refer you to a specialist hospital unit. “It is important to check whether the person is actually allergic to antibiotics, as alternative solutions are sometimes more toxic and may cause resistance,” he stressed.

Allergy to Antibiotics: What to Do? What treatment?

and desensitization treatment It is possible in some special cases, especially when the patient cannot leave the antibiotics to which he is allergic and there are no other solutions. For example, penicillin is essential for children with cystic fibrosis or pregnant women with syphilis.

Desensitization includes Gradually adapt the body to the allergen Let him refuse him no more.

Over the course of a day, patients take a dozen doses of antibiotics, starting with very small amounts and gradually increasing the dose. Desensitization is effective, but the relevant antibiotic treatment must be repeated before each course of treatment.

#Antibiotic #Allergy #Symptoms #Diagnosis #Treatment



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