Anti-terrorist: Under the microscope the “Revenge Conspiracy” – Search in 10 residences, what is being examined – 2024-02-29 11:48:55

8 persons brought in and investigation into others who are already in Domokos and Larissa prisonssince the morning the Anti-Terrorist is proceeding with a wide-scale investigation concerning the activities of the “Revenge Conspiracy” organization.

According to the SKAI report, following raids on at least 10 houses and searches in two prisons, they tracked down 8 people who are allegedly related to the “Revenge Conspiracy” organization involved in 3 cases, the most well-known being the placement of a bomb in a bank branch in Ano Petralona.

Police sources say that two of those arrested are locked up in prisons while examining whether they had a leading role in the organization.

The same sources state that the anti-terrorist operation was carried out as soon as they were present fears of new strikes.

The three strikes of the Revenge Partnership

The same organization had assumed, with a text on a website of the anti-authoritarian space, the responsibility for an attack with grenade in a prison officer’s car in July 2023 in Haidari.

Finally, another “hit” in which the specific organization is involved is the home attack – company offices of a businessman with the initials D.M. on Ious Street in Kifissia.

Those arrested are criminals

According to information conveyed by the police editor of the newspapers “ta Nea” and “to Vima” to MEGA and LIVE News, the leader appears to be a 36-year-old vice-authoritarian, who has spent the last 10 years mainly with robberies.

Specifically, these are two robberies in Athens and one in Thessaloniki, while he himself has been in Korydallos and other prisons in the country. During these terms, he allegedly created a criminal network which he used in bomb attacks, such as the one at the bank in Petralona.

In fact, it is not a random bank, but one that had also “hit” on November 17, even killing one of the guards. The attack in Kifissia took place on a company that had undertaken the maintenance of the Calatrava shelter, while the bomb attacks on prison officials were allegedly carried out following checking the cells of some of the inmates.

In fact, according to the same sources, the Anti-Terrorism investigation concerns an even bigger case, an attack that might have turned out to be very deadly if it had finally been carried out.

#Antiterrorist #microscope #Revenge #Conspiracy #Search #residences #examined



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