Anti-player external tools? “FF14” light and shadow module plug detection code forced to close the user’s PC, users are dissatisfied and abandoned | game corner | digital

According to foreign media GamesRadar report, in order to prevent players from using third-party tools, the mod creators of “FF14” stuffed harmful codes in the mod. This move caused dissatisfaction among players, and the mod has now stopped updating.

Since the 6th of this month, players who use the module called “GShade” have sent sad news to the outside world, pointing out that in the official Discord of the mod, a creator revealed that the team inserted a code into the GShade module. If the mod detects that the player is using any other external tools, it may shut down the user’s PC on command.

GShade is basically a mod that retunes the visuals of FF14 and is often used with GPosers to allow players to take beautiful fashion photos. As for the module’s official operation of bringing goods, it may be related to the use of third-party tools by the first pass team of the ultimate difficulty “The Omega Protocol” dungeon. However, the behavior of the mod author to add new code arbitrarily caused strong dissatisfaction among people who use GShade.

In the face of negative comments, the author stated that he would stop further updates to the GShade module. In addition, as the original GShade users have removed the mod, everyone has switched to installing another mod called ReShade as an alternative.

Note, however, that GShade, GPosers, and ReShade are theoretically banned by Square Enix, as they are generally considered third-party tools. If you don’t want to be targeted by the official, it is recommended to play the original flavor of the game.

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