In July-August, when the sun is intense, only stamina does not decrease. Summerin skinalso tired ultraviolet raysilver the main cause of skin agingis regarded as ultraviolet raythis when you get stronger Elastin and collagen in the dermal layer of the skin are destroyed. freckles, fine linesthis happens If you eat it right, it helps to prevent skin aging, but if you eat it incorrectly, it will speed up skin aging.
what foodto eat skin agingcast can i delay?
◆ Reasons to look older following summer
Summerin skingo more easy to grow old. skinto maintain an average temperature of 31-33 degrees capillariessecond expansiondo Heatsecond disposedo. As the skin radiates heat sebum secretionis increasing pores get bigger moisturethis Lossdo. caused by ultraviolet pigmentation The possibility is greater.
According to the Journal of the British Dermatological Society, skin agingIs around 35 years oldResponsible for elasticity and moisture with Collagen organization is created shrinking It begins. When you reach your 30’s wrinkleclass blemishes, age spots The back develops and the elasticity decreases. Because skin aging progresses rapidly managementdepending on how skin ageis different
when going out sunscreenOf course, I use a cosmetic that suits my skin well. eating habitsModeration is also important. Especially lycopenesilver ultraviolet rayskin from protectdo it and skin cell damagesecond recoveryIn summer, it is better to eat more foods containing lycopene.
◆ skin anti-aging food while making skin
1. Don’t worry
lycopenecontains a lot of fruitas scoopcan be cited. in Vietnam Fruits that keep you youngfamous for. Spicy Antioxidants lycopenethis rich collagen productionclass Prevention of fine linesto help
A joint research team from the University of Manchester and the University of Newcastle in England said, “The skinoutboardwhen exposed to skin agingmay be induced. Lycopene protects the skin from UV rays.” Lycopene content in scallopssilver 76 times that of tomatoesAll. Because lycopene is fat-soluble, it is difficult to absorb. Omega 3 and 6Such as unsaturated fatty acidsthere are many Lycopene absorption ratethis 18 times more than tomatoesto be.
scratched Fruit of vitality and longevityAlso known as a carotenoid antioxidant Lycopene, beta carotene, provitamin A, alpha carotene, vitamin Ebecause it contains a lot of
contained in the scoop selenium, minerals back Collagen subcutaneous structure reconstruction Promotionas well as preventing wrinkles. To see the anti-aging effect of the skin Oil extracted from raw fruitsIt is best to take it with This is because up to 97% of nutrients such as lycopene are lost when extracted from dried raw materials.
2. Spinach
tired skinto nutritionThe representative vegetable that supplies spinachAll. B vitamins, C and mineralsthis rich skin organizational playHelps ability, age spots and blemishes, etc. pigmentationprevents Contains chlorophyll, which acts as a disinfectant skin elasticityraise the skin prevent troubledo. etc Sodium excretion, blood circulation improvement It helps with health.
Spinach can be eaten raw or in soup, packcan also be used as Grind the spinach finely in a mortar, add egg white, honey, flour, olive oil, etc., mix well, and apply on the skin. blotchsecond preventionit helps to
3. Berries
Berry fruits such as blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blackberries are characterized by their sweet and sour taste. Vitamins C and E, beta-carotenethis rich and powerful antioxidant actiondo According to Samsung Seoul Hospital health information, berries are the cause of cell destruction and aging. neutralize free radicalsIt prevents various cardiovascular diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, and cancer. Protects the brain and maintains memory agingdo preventiondo.
especially blueberries anthocyaninsthis rich active oxygenremove Collagen synthesisraise the There are also studies that anthocyanins reduce the breakdown of skin collagen and increase the production.
4. Avocado
in avocado vitamins C and EIs antioxidantsas skin elasticitykeep prevent agingdo. biotinContains a lot of this to dry and rough skin, hair, and toenails. moisturesupplies Other than that Vitamins E, B2, B6 and minerals, essential fatty acidsIt is rich in it and is good for skin health. High in unsaturated fatty acids, lowers cholesterol excretes sodium and toxinsThere is an effect that
the avocado oilWhen consumed, the absorption rate of nutrients is increased. packIf used as dry skingood for Mash the avocado flesh and mix well with the beaten egg yolk and apply to the skin.
5. Pomegranate
The poppy and Cleopatra are well known as the fruit they enjoyed for their skin care. vitamin CContains a variety of vitamins, including Signs of blemishes My back easedo skincast moist takes care of
Pomegranate contains estradiol and estrone, which have the same structure as female hormones. estrogen seriesof natural plant hormonesThis is abundant. Pomegranate’s natural estrogen content blood circulation in skin cellshelp skin elasticityinvolved in Collagen synthesishelp the skin Agingcast Preventiondo. Pomegranate can be eaten raw or juiced from the skin and seeds.
Reporter Kim Seong-eun [email protected]
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