Antanas Gudaitis’s return with a bang – a colorful exhibition and ambitious hopes to resurrect the legendary workshop | Culture

Although critics unanimously emphasize A. Gudaitis’s contribution to the development of modern Lithuanian painting and his influence on several generations of artists who matured during the Soviet era, this exhibition is one of the largest expositions of his work in one space in the last few decades.

The maestro’s drawings, sketches and paintings reveal the artist’s path and the unique features of his work. The exhibition also presents photographs by Algimantas Kunčiaus and archival material of 16 millimeter tapes, which capture not only A. Gudaitis himself, but also the environment around him – home, workshop, Vilnius Art Academy, relatives and friends.

This exhibition is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the artist’s birth.

The initiators of the exhibition are the Antanas Gudaitis Creative Foundation, established two years ago, which takes care of the legacy of the artist’s work, its dissemination, and the artist’s dream, which has not been fulfilled for more than three decades, to open his creative workshop in Vilnius near Žemaitė Square to the public.

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Close and intriguing

Algė Gudaitytė, the curator of this exhibition and the head of the Antanas Gudaitis Creative Foundation, who spoke at the opening, said she was happy that the artist’s work was presented not anywhere else, but in the premises of the gallery of the Vilnius Academy of Arts, because he was a long-time teacher and professor of this art institution, who always encouraged and supported the youth.

The fact that A. Gudaitis is not only drowning in the distant past, but also an extremely interesting and intriguing creator, was perfectly reflected by the audience gathered for the opening – from the professors of the Academy of Fine Arts, art critics to colorful young people.

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Vidas Poškus, the manager of the “Titanikas” exhibition halls, seconded the curator, emphasizing that A. Gudaitis was one of the founders of the VDA, together with his fellow artists in 1940. having laid the foundations of this art institution.

“A. Gudaitis was the figure who, even in the Soviet era, connected free Lithuania and modern painting with what was happening in Lithuania at the time at the then Art Institute. In this sense, he kind of created an island of freedom here, where new, bold, non-conformist ideas of young people could spread,” said V. Poškus.

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

A. Gudaitis’s work left a clear mark on Lithuanian art and formed an entire school of painting. One of the pioneers of modernism, a professor at the Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, who studied at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts and in Paris between the wars, became one of the pioneers of expressive colorist painting and the renewal of Lithuanian art in Lithuania.

According to the curator of the exhibition A. Gudaitytė, since 1929 the three-year phase of the artist’s life in Paris strongly influenced his further painting style and shaped his artistic outlook. A. Gudaitis brought the experience he gained in the world’s art capital and his broadened horizons to Lithuania, where in 1932 he together with like-minded people, he formed the group of artists “Ars”, which sought to bring changes to the life of Lithuanian art.

Constantly going over your head

Although the modernist direction of A. Gudaitis was stopped by the beginning of the Soviet occupation, after the death of Stalin, the relatively increased creative freedom allowed him to return to expressive painting. A. Gudaitytė notices that during the Soviet era the painter continued the style developed between the wars, but it was heavily imbued with grotesque and irony.

According to A. Gudaitytė, the artist’s work is characterized by constant changes and searches, even several different periods are evident in it. He combined the free flow of thought and spontaneity with careful preparatory work and thoughtful composition.

According to the curator, although this exhibition is really huge in scope, it cannot be called a retrospective.

“The works cover three decades of creativity, and the exhibition itself wanted to draw attention to the creator’s way of thinking – how he came to the final artistic decision. Although it is common to think that A. Gudaitis is a colorist, I wanted to show that for the creator, the painting was a totality of color, line and form. Only by taking a good look at this collection of works can one read the meaning of his work”, said A. Gudaitytė, emphasizing that it is precisely through this that the creative diversity of this artist is revealed.

The artist A. Šaltenis emphasized that this exhibition perfectly reflects the trajectories of the artist’s work and his special attention to work, a long way from sketching to the final work.

According to him, today’s youth could learn from A. Gudaitis how to accumulate material for the final work and how to approach the painting slowly. “Now the youth want a quick result, so they immediately became on the canvas. And A. Gudaitis teaches to pause the process, to reflect on it. In this sense, even more than three decades after his death, he is an inspiring example,” said A. Šaltenis.

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

He also noted that A. Gudaitis – a rebellious soul – was happy to see student gatherings, rebellion and urged him to constantly think over his head, forget what he had learned and always learn anew.

A former student of A. Gudaitis, painter Mindaugas Skudutis calls the fact that the professor became the supervisor of his diploma work a real gift from God.

“At that time, he was a free lecturer, he didn’t have lectures, he just came for consultations. Mostly they talked about art – general topics, but these talks of his were the best lectures. He took me to exhibitions and asked me to give my opinion. Or to the workshop, where we could see his work environment. It was very significant for us”, said M. Skudutis.

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

According to him, A. Gudaitis liked when students had their own opinion, their own point of view, created in their own way. Meanwhile, the artist did not appreciate those who did “right” work by copying recognized authors.

“He had an inner intelligence, and that apparently came from Smetonian times. The artist had to be exceptional not only in his works, but also in his appearance, thinking, and behavior. It should look solid. He used to say that an artist should decorate the city with his very presence,” M. Skudutis recalled the teacher’s lessons.

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Ambitious plans of the fund

An important place in this exhibition is occupied by the moments captured by the photographer Algimantas Kunčiaus from the life of A. Gudaitis, his home and work environment. According to A. Gudaitytė, if it were not for A. Kunčius, today we would not have so much documentary material about this creator.

“He not only photographed portraits of A. Gudaitis, but also filmed his close environment, family celebrations, and at the same time the cultural community that was buzzing in the artist’s workshop. Through these photographs and film footage, the rich environment of the artist is revealed, which was not visible in public,” said the head of the Antanas Gudaitis Creative Foundation.

She emphasized that although this exhibition is the first public presentation of the foundation she manages, there are also other works in the plans that will help spread the word about A. Gudaitis’s work, his artistic legacy and ideas.

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Opening of the exhibition COMPOSITION by Greta Skaraitiene/BNS photo/Antanas Gudaitis in the TITANICS exhibition halls of VDA

Excursions around the city of Vilnius along the roads of A. Gudaitis, as well as a series of lectures about his work, should soon be launched.

“We hope that in the future we will be able to renovate and revive the workshop of A. Gudaitis, open it to the public and turn this space into a living creative space, where conversations, discussions, screenings, presentations of young creators would take place – all that was important to the artist himself “, said A. Gudaitytė.

According to him, although these plans are ambitious, they are implemented with the help of patrons.

“I believe that we will succeed in doing this and A. Gudaitis’s work will be visible in society,” she emphasized.

#Antanas #Gudaitiss #return #bang #colorful #exhibition #ambitious #hopes #resurrect #legendary #workshop #Culture
2024-09-03 07:42:11



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