Anses loan extension benefits Jujuy

January 13, 2022 – 01:03
The maturity of the principal payment of the credit granted in 2018 will now be next March.

Jujuy is one of the provinces benefited from the measure ordered by the national government, which extended until March 15 next the maturity of the capital payments corresponding to the loans granted in 2018 to the various jurisdictions through the Sustainability Guarantee Fund of the Anses.

The measure was ordered through a resolution published in the Official Gazette, in accordance with the agreements entered into with the provinces of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Negro, Salta , San Juan, Santa Cruz, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, Tucumán and the City of Buenos Aires.

Interest will accrue from the original maturity date to the extension date -March 15, 2022- at an annual nominal variable rate equivalent to the interest rate for fixed-term deposits of more than $ 1 million from 30 to 35 days. .

Districts exercised the conversion bond option for principal payments corresponding to loan agreements granted in 2018.

According to the provisions, the conversion option may be exercised by the provinces before the expiration date of the refinancing agreement and will be extendable to the balance of the principal owed under the loan contracts granted according to the agreements ratified by law 27,260.

Likewise, the Anses pointed out that the General Directorate of Investments of the Guarantee Fund of that organization, by means of a note dated December 21, notified the Banco Nación to cease the withholdings it carries out under the tax sharing regime for the Amount corresponding to the capital for the loans granted in 2018, in accordance with the agreements ratified with the provinces.

The benefit was ordered by the national government as a result of the payment difficulties that the provinces and Caba had to face the fiscal impact of the pandemic, which resulted in “delays in the cancellation of the FGS of the Argentine Comprehensive Pension System (Sipa) of interest maturities by the National Treasury “, according to the official text.

The Anses found that the FGS resolved “unanimously to accept the extensions.”




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