2023-06-11 07:41:51
Last Saturday, June 3, it was eight years since the first Ni Una Menos. In 2015, that 3J in Argentina filled all the squares in the cities of the country under the slogan “Not one less”. Thus, all citizens without distinctions of sex, gender, social sector, age or any other characteristic turned to the squares to express their rejection of violence once morest women and children, even in its maximum expression femicide. He also came out to claim the inaction of the government, which at that time did not show a decision to implement Law 26,485 enacted in 2009 or to mobilize forces to end this. That June 3 was a very important milestone in the country, which spread to the countries of the region and even reached Europe and Africa. That day, the traditional Plaza del Congreso in the City of Buenos Aires was the epicenter of the activities. For those of us who had been fighting almost in solitude, seeing that square full and the crowd that stretched along Avenida de Mayo to 9 de Julio and beyond, it was a pleasure and an emotion difficult to explain, some of us cried. The persistent call for attention and claim characteristic of our militancy was accompanied by that crowd and we felt that our action had not been useless. That first march was followed by others and thus a form of demand was consolidated that in these eight years was never interrupted, although it lost the massiveness of that first year.
What happened in these eight years? It is worth taking stock because there have been many advances, especially in the legislative sphere, but the figures are decreasing very slowly, we wonder why. In principle, our legal and normative body was enriched with laws such as the Micaela law, which forced the three public powers to train their personnel in all categories without limits of hierarchies or seniority. Also in the private sector and universities where training actions were carried out. Now it seems that the Micaela law entered a shadow cone, and most of the officials took the course, so that’s it! And it is not like that. It is an example of permanent training that must be done and not just a course and nothing else. With few exceptions, it is understood in this way and not as learning that feeds on the review of one’s own behaviors and responses to different situations.
In addition to the laws and nomas, programs such as those for economic support for women who suffer violence were adopted, which, although it is only for six months and does not cover the time they need to achieve economic stability, is a great support and should be try to expand, but never finish. These advances have not yet achieved a basis for articulation between the local, provincial and national sectors, actions are duplicated and not articulated. This not only implies a misuse of resources, but also that they are not effective and that is why many women and girls who denounce or ask for help do not receive it and many are killed.
In the field of prevention we are even more lacking. Although bells have been made, a massive one has not been made or one made several years ago has not been replicated. The inclusion in the school program at the primary and secondary level is essential to denature gender violence, but not much progress has been made except in the organization of the week around 25N. There are also many other preventive actions that must be carried out and promoted.
In short, we need to revitalize the commitment of Ni Una Menos and demand that all of society and governments at all levels renew their commitment to concrete actions that really allowed women and girls to be accompanied, as well as trans women and people from the Lgbtqi+ collective the adequate attention and protection that today they do not have, while we intensify the prevention mechanisms to really distort gender violence.
#June #reiterate