Another commitment of ours comes true 2024-04-21 00:08:57

A related post by the Greek government on Facebook states the following: “For the first time, a maternity allowance is granted to self-employed mothers! The platform is open! If you are a freelancer, self-employed or farmer, go to and make your application” while corresponding posts are also on “X” and on Instagram.

The platform, , for the payment of the maternity allowance was opened today and non-employees, i.e. freelancers, self-employed women and farmers. Now this category of beneficiaries will also receive a monthly amount equal to the current minimum wage, which currently amounts to 830 euros, for nine months. That is, a total of 7,470 euros.

“Never before have mothers received the support we provide them today as a State. Now following giving birth, mothers receive 1,000 euros net per month, based on maternity allowance and birth allowance,” said the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Domna Michailidou. “With this measure we confirm in practice that what we care regarding is motherhood” pointed out Domna Michailidou, who noted: “we don’t care if the mother is an employee, self-employed, self-employed or a farmer. What we care regarding is the support of motherhood.”

The application is submitted to the D.YPA. and specifically on the platform within two (2) months, from the day following the payment of the e-EFKA pregnancy and maternity allowance. or within two (2) months from the day following the child joins the family, or the finality of the court decision if it is an adoption. It is clarified that, in cases where the applicant is not registered in the D.YP.A Digital Register, it is necessary to register on the new platform through a special form available for this purpose. Entry to the special form is carried out using TAXIS and AMKA codes.

The process is quick and simple, saving inconvenience and time-consuming procedures for the beneficiaries as through the interoperability of the systems between the DYPA of the EFKA and the AADE, all the necessary supporting documents for the processing of the request are retrieved electronically, for their convenience. If the insured is not up-to-date on insurance when submitting the application, a notification appears that “the request cannot be submitted due to lack of insurance information”, so that she can immediately pay off her debts and then submit her request normally.

Applications are considered in order of priority based on the date of submission and payment of the benefit starts on the first of the month following the application.

The Minister of Labor and Social Security, Domna Michailidou, said: “We support motherhood with projects and actions. And this is also confirmed today with the activation of the platform for the payment of the maternity allowance to the self-employed. Now all mothers, regardless of whether they are employees, self-employed, freelancers and farmers, will receive a significant support which in some cases will reach 9,500 euros. And we go on. Always with a view to supporting motherhood, supporting women.”

Statement of the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security Panos Tsakloglou: “Today, the platform for submitting applications for granting the special maternity protection benefit opens for the first time to self-employed women and farmers who will now be able to receive, for a period of 9 months, a benefit equal to the minimum wage, i.e. a total of 7,470 euros. Those who had a child from September 24, 2023 until today will also receive the special maternity protection benefit retroactively, while there is a special provision for those mothers who had a child through an act of adoption, through a surrogate mother and also for same-sex couples. The Ministry of Labor implements its commitment to support the family by aiming to equalize benefits for all insured women with the aim of reconciling family and professional life, which at the same time contributes to addressing the demographic problem. This is a measure that is part of a wider network of protection and support for the Greek family, as during the last four years a series of measures were taken to facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life, such as, for example, the establishment of the maternity allowance, the temporal and quantitative expansion of maternity benefits from 6 to 9 months for women employed in the private sector, the increase of places in daycare centers and full-day schools and the extension of the opening hours of the latter, but also the creation of the institution of “neighborhood nannies”.

In the case of adoption, the payment of the special maternity protection benefit starts from the finality of the adoption court decision or from the integration of the child into the family, regardless of whether the beneficiary received maternity allowance from the e-EFKA.

Mothers who had a child through the process of surrogacy are also entitled to the special maternity protection benefit, just as is the case with mothers with salaried work.

In absolute proportion to the mother in an salaried employment relationship, the self-employed or farmer mother can transfer up to seven months of the special maternity protection benefit to the father, regardless of whether he works in a dependent employment relationship under private law or is self-employed or self-employed or a farmer.

Same-sex couples also receive the maternity allowance following the beneficiary of the special benefit has been declared with a joint declaration of the spouses to e-EFKA. And in this case, the beneficiary parent has the possibility to transfer up to 7 months of the special allowance to the other parent, regardless of whether he works in a dependent employment relationship under private law, or is self-employed, or self-employed, or a farmer.

#commitment #true



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