Another 200 thousand confidential documents from De Raho’s Anti-Mafia dossier center appear –

Rita Cavallaro

A bottomless pit, which outlines the central dossier of Striano & Co, that vermin hatched by the Anti-Mafia which spied on centre-right politicians, VIPs and entrepreneurs. A sort of SOS ATM which, for the Perugia Prosecutor’s Office, the financier Pasquale Striano would have made available to a network of journalists, in collaboration with the former prosecutor Antonio Laudati. The picture reconstructed by the prosecutor Raffaele Cantone reveals the monstrous number of documents stolen from the databases, which the head of the Perugian magistrates himself had already mentioned last March, during the hearing in the Anti-Mafia Commission. The accusatory system, supported by 10 thousand pages of investigations which according to the investigating judge of Perugia outlines serious and multiple clues against the suspects, yesterday should have been examined by the Review, to which the Prosecutor’s Office had appealed to obtain the arrest of Striano and Laudati, recognizing only the risk of repeating the crime for the financier and for both of them the risk of tampering with the evidence. But there was a twist at the Court of Freedom, which makes the proportion of the “snitches” phenomenon even larger. The Cantone prosecutor, in fact, has deposited over 200 thousand confidential documents, in addition to the thousands already contested, illicitly downloaded by the head of the SOS Group between 2019 and 2022, when the head of the DNA was the prosecutor Federico Cafiero De Raho, now five-star vice-president of the Commission which investigates the dossier itself.

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An avalanche of documents, which the spy extracted not only from the Sidda-Sidna database which contains reports of suspicious transactions and financial data, but also from Sdi and Serpico, the other two systems in use by the police forces in which they are encompassed by judicial precedents to simple administrative controls. And if a large part of confidential documents was sent to the journalists under investigation Giovanni Tizian, Nello Trocchia and Stefano Vergine, the mystery remains as to where the most conspicuous part was diverted, a large amount of documents which were not translated into articles in Domani and of which, at the moment, there is no documentary evidence of an exchange having taken place. In short, there are 200 thousand documents that Striano has downloaded from the analysis systems and which, to date, it is not known where they may have ended up. A disturbing circumstance, which fuels doubts about the existence of a parallel SOS market and a dossier centre, especially since the accesses did not stop even after Guido Crosetto’s complaint. Reason why investigators are carrying out further investigations to trace the alleged instigators and recipients of confidential data relating to other politicians and VIPs compared to the 300 names already known.

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Furthermore, investigators continue to identify Striano’s “motive”, given that at the moment it is excluded that the financier acted for economic reasons. All the asset checks carried out on his account, to verify whether he received any benefits, gave negative results. In addition to the new charges against the suspects, the Prosecutor’s Office also filed with the Review a note sent by the national anti-mafia prosecutor, Giovanni Melillo, requesting «acquisition in order to strengthen the proposed appeal, relating only to the profile of precautionary needs», Cantone said yesterday at the end of the hearing, during which the defenses of Striano and Laudati opposed the acquisition, considering the filing of additional investigative documents to be irregular. “There is talk of many accesses, more than double those already contested, but we need to see the documents,” said Striano’s defender, Massimo Clemente, who explained that he will evaluate the possibility of spontaneous declarations by his client. According to Laudati’s lawyer, Professor Andrea Castaldo, “the documents produced by the prosecutors cannot be used and therefore should not be included in the file”. As regards the position of the former prosecutor of the DNA, the defender explained that «there is only a single profile of in-depth analysis relating to something that we already knew and which would concern one of the profiles which in the Prosecutor’s appeal concerns evidentiary pollution . We will evaluate whether it is appropriate for Laudati to make spontaneous statements in the next hearing. We opposed the production of these documents because they concern the merits of the matter, while the Court must decide only on precautionary needs. Let’s see how he decides.” A decision that has been postponed to November 12th.

Dossier scandal, that's why Cantone wants to arrest Striano and Laudati

#thousand #confidential #documents #Rahos #AntiMafia #dossier #center #Tempo
2024-09-30 05:11:21



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