Moments of panic for BNL account holders. During the morning, many raised the alarm on social media as they noticed some malfunction in the management of their account. “They are passing unauthorized riddances nine times! What is happening?”, “Bnl charges the same amount 9 times for different amounts and leaves the accounts at zero”, “”This morning you charged me ten times the credit card expenses stealing more than 10,000 euros from me throughout the long Easter weekend and your customer service number is offline” are just some of the comments that appeared online. Dozens and dozens of reports. Then the explanation provided by the bank: “The correct situation has been restored relating to the anomaly that generated multiple charges on the current account. Customer Service is becoming regularly accessible once more. We apologize once more for the inconvenience.”

After anomalies were found in the movements of some BNL current accounts, BNL BNP Paribas sources explained that “the problem was a strictly technical problem which was immediately identified and which was resolved quickly”. The bank, contacted by Repubblica, then explained: “There was a technical problem which led to anomalous charges on the current accounts of some customers. The bank is resolving the problem. It has communicated the anomaly to customers through all channels. The bank has understood the nature of the problem and will restore everything as soon as possible. The anomalous charges will be reversed.”
#Anomalies #multiple #charges #Whats #happening #Time
2024-04-03 10:01:57