Annual Latgalian culture awards presented Boŋuks / Diena

Latgalian culture of the year award Bonyuk last year, the “LgSC” association won a Daugavpils theater performance for the work done Spridit, group Daughter of the nation with songs and videos from the album treadmill, production by Muol, Lygia A collection of Purinasha poetry borders, modern Latgalian literature podcast Puslopys, Map of Nautreni parish in Latgali, the first series in Latgali FATI, A collection of essays by Valentin Lukašević Casnágu peasant and course of study Latgalian written language on the platform Your class.

From February 20 to March 1, everyone could vote for their favorite. This year, society has decided that the 2022 sympathy awards – Will walk – the recipient is the exhibition of Iveta Seimanova’s works Lobs and lobes.

The award ceremony was led by actor Jānis Kronis. Bands delighted the audience in person and on the LTV1 broadcast Without VAT and cellist Valters Puce, Daughter of the nation and Renard Cowper, Latgali rap, musicians Ługa and Arturs Skutelis, children’s group Rupers, folklorists Āriks Zeps and Julgī Stalte, as well as the album of the Māras Briežkalns quintet Latgalian Evergreens presentation together with singer and percussionist Biruta Ozoliņa.

Boniuk 2022 the award for achievements in 2022 was received (in alphabetical order):

  • Societies LgSC operation in 2022. Society LgSC (previously Latgale Student Center) is a non-governmental organization that unites people for whom it is important to preserve and develop Latgale and the Latgalian cultural space, the Latgalian language. This year LgSC focused on the implementation of individual projects in its activities and has accomplished a lot.

  • Daugavpils theater performance Spriditis. In the Daugavpils theater production Spriditis for the first time Anna Brigadere’s fairy tale play was performed in Latvian. In the show for the whole family, the adventures of the little fortune-seeker are enriched by dances and songs, as well as the warmth and joy of life characteristic of Latgalians. The director of the play is Māris Korsiets, the play was translated into Latvian by Monika Zīle, and actress Zanda Mankop played the role of Sprīdīš.

  • Group Daughter of the nation with songs and videos from the album Running track. Ethnomusic group Daughter of the nation released a new self-titled album Running track and it includes 3 compositions in Latgali. For the song In the village of Ružinu the words were once said by Anna Brokāne in the Kaunata area (recorded in 1930), in a video and a song Old age Latgalian folk songs and the words of Renars Kauper are interwoven, but in gratitude for everything we have lived together for almost eight years, a song was created Wine for the otter.

  • Production Muols. Theatre Muols, which is also directed by the Rēzekne Theater Joriks artistic director Mārtiņš Eihe reveals the processes of Latgale pottery – how clay suitable for making is obtained and prepared, how the kiln is fired, how Latgale black pottery was revived, how you can learn to be a potter, how new and traditional ceramics coexist and other issues, but a special place in the performance, the personality and activities of Jānis Pujāts (1925-1988), an art scholar and researcher of the history of Latgale ceramics.

  • A collection of poetry by Lygia Purinasha borders. The book “periobežes” is an attempt to bring the two written languages ​​(Latvian and Latgalian) closer together, calling to be more sensitive and inclusive, as well as paying attention to the border phenomenon.

  • Modern Latgalian literature podcast Puslopys. Latgalian literature podcast Puslopys is a discussion of contemporary Latgalian literature with authors about writing, language, the future and life as such.

  • Map of Nautreni parish in Latgali. The map of place names of Nautreni parish in Latgalian in the center of Rogovka village is a unique oral history material, which includes about 920 microtoponyms handed down and preserved from generation to generation. So far, it is the only material of its kind in Latvia.

  • The first Latvian TV series FATI. The first television series in Latvian FATI. The roots of the idea can be traced back to November of last year, when Pēteris Ragaušs expressed the idea that something exciting and modern should be created in Latgale.

  • Valentíns Lukaševičs Casnágis Maizeitis. Book Casnágu peasant collected 39 author’s essays previously published in printed periodicals and electronic media. The book is not only a vision full of aphorisms on things that never pass away, but also an important contribution to Latgalian essay writing and the enrichment of the use of the written language of Latgalian, or even a bold step towards revitalizing the landscape of Latgalian literature.
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  • Training course Latgalian written language on the platform Your class. Project Your class was created in the spring of 2020, during the state of emergency declared in the country, in response to the need to support distance learning in schools. In 2022, a training course is published on the platform Latgalian written languagewhere the status of the Latgalian language and the emergence of the written language, digital resources for learning the history of the Latgalian language, literature and culture, descriptions and traditions of the various celebrated days are discussed in detail.

  • Photo artist, photo historian, founder and chairman of the Latgale Society of Photographers Igors Pličs was honored for his lifetime contribution to the development of Latgale culture. He is the fundamental book Photographers of Latgale in the XIX-XXI centuries (2021) idea and concept author. The book contains information about more than 344 photographers working in Latgale, more than 2000 photographs from 1858 to the present day. Latgale is the only region of Latvia for which such an encyclopedic cover has been published. For this important achievement, Igors Pličs and his teacher, photo-historian Pēteris Korsaks received a nomination for the Boņuks 2021 prize of the Latgalian culture of the year. The works of Igor Pličs are known throughout Latvia and beyond its borders both from exhibitions and from cultural and historical monographs important for the cultural history of Latgale: In the light of the writings of Latgale, Oh, mother Latgale, the cultural history of Latgale, the present day of Latvian Lutheran churches, I will sing about you, Latgale and its people. He has collaborated, published or illustrated 25 books, the most important of them – Latgale in photos (2013), Latgalian in the XXI century (2017).

This year, 125 applicants’ applications were submitted, which were evaluated by the jury committee, which included previous years’ award recipients, media representatives, representatives of the award organizers, social activists of Latgalian culture and invited experts from relevant fields whose daily lives are not related to Latgalian culture. The quality of the applicant’s performance, activity throughout the year, the resonance caused in the region, the country or on a wider scale, Latgalism and/or carrying the cultural values ​​of Latgale, sustainability of the applicant – impact on the processes of Latgali culture in the future were put forward as criteria for evaluating the applicants.

You can get acquainted with the list of all 30 award nominees

Annual award of Latgalian culture Bonyuk was presented for the first time in 2009, but since 2013 the award has been organized by the embassies of Latgale Gore team in collaboration with the association Score. Boniuk 2022 the event is supported by the European Regional Development Fund, the Latgale Culture Program of the State Cultural Capital Fund with A/S Latvian state forests and the support of the Development Agency of the Latgale Region, as well as Balvu County Municipality, Krāslava County Municipality, Līvāni County Municipality, Preiļu County Municipality, Rēzekne City Council and Rēzekne County Municipality.

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