Annual home maintenance: the ultimate checklist


Spruce up the roof

We don’t think regarding it enough, but it is nevertheless he who protects you from the outside. Because you are lucky to have a roof over your head, make it good by maintaining it as it should. Exposed to the weather, it can be damaged over time and requires regular maintenance.

For this, you must first think regarding removing moss from your roof, every 7 or 8 years on average. As for the cleaning, it is done approximately every 2 years, calling on a professional. The latter has the necessary know-how and can diagnoseany defects on your roof.

Clean the terrace

This summer, you spent most of your time in your garden. Between barbecues with friends and sunbathing sessions, the terrace deserves a little maintenance to prepare for the beautiful days to come. To do this, put away all the outdoor furniture and carry out a thorough cleaning, making sure to adapt your technique according to the material of the terrace:

Check the condition of windows and doors

To avoid any risk of infringement, remember to check that all the windows and doors of the house close properly. If this is not the case, call a professional to remedy this problem. Also take the opportunity to repaint the openings, so that they are like new.

And who knows, it might even be an opportunity to have an anti-theft security system installed, especially if you live in an area where burglaries are common.

Empty the gutters

At least once a year, it is absolutely necessary to empty and clean the gutters outside your home. This makes it possible to anticipate the risks of water flowing on your facade and to identify any faults that would need to be corrected.


Ensure proper heating maintenance

It is your precious ally to fight once morest the winter cold: it is therefore better to make sure that it is in good condition for the months to come. To do this, call on a professional to carry out themaintenance of your boilerdust off the radiators and have the chimney swept.

Take care of plumbing and fittings

Hair and other residue that accumulates in the trap and clogs your sink? We all know this story, and it is possible to anticipate it! Regularly remove any items that might be blocking the pipes, as prevention is better than cure. Once a year, it will also be the opportunity to inspect and clean the pipes, both in the kitchen and the bathroom. Also replace the seals to prevent infiltration and the appearance of mold. Finally, remove lime deposits from all taps.

Wash walls and floors

If this seems obvious to you for floors, it is not necessarily so for everyone when it comes to walls. Yes, it is recommended to wash the walls at least once a year, especially if they are soiled regularly.

If you have parquet, it will be necessary to wax or pass special oil on the wood in order to revive the color. As for rugs and carpets, a little shampoo won’t hurt them once a year, especially if you have allergies.

Ensure the proper functioning of safety devices

In all accommodation, the installation of a smoke detector is mandatory. Over time, it may malfunction, which puts you in danger in the event of a fire. It is therefore essential to check that they are operational, in order to ensure the safety of all members of your household.

Make a big sort

Last mission, and perhaps the most tedious: to sort through all your belongings! When you take all your old things out of the closet, you realize that many of them no longer serve you. Our advice: make a pile for damaged objects (intended for the recycling center), and another for those that you can give away or resell. By getting rid of everything superfluous, you will feel lighter and finally find some space in your home!



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