Annoying question: As an athlete, why shouldn’t you sleep with your partner?

2024-08-18 08:40:36

Screens, stress and even an inappropriate diet are often cited as major sleep disruptors, but few dare blame their partners.

However, double sleeping increases the risk of disrupting your circadian clock, affecting athletic performance and the quality of your day.

Let’s be bold and ask the angry questions: Is having a separate bed one of the secrets to performing?

The importance of circadian rhythms for performance (especially performance) and overall health

Circadian Rhythms: What’s Up?

this circadian rhythm Corresponds to all cyclic biological processes within twenty-four hours.

It is a true internal clock that determines the natural sleep-wake cycle unique to each person and Chronotypewhich corresponds to an individual’s preference for early morning or evening activities.

Circadian rhythms and the resulting types of biological clocks are genetically determined data.

interference sleep-wake biological cycle Therefore, it is not without effects on health, physical and mental performance.

Internal clock disturbance: what are the consequences?

The latest research conducted on the subject suggests a strong link between the two Circadian Rhythm Health and General Health.

Dysregulation of the internal clock increases the risk of various diseases health problems :

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • mood disorders;
  • obesity;
  • Impaired cognitive function.

Respect your circadian rhythm: what are the benefits?

Instead, respecting your natural sleep rhythm is an important factor overall well-being.

For athletes (and others), quality sleep can improve physical health and help you feel more energetic, both physically and mentally. this profit Also covered:

  • regulation of all body systems;
  • resilience;
  • Reduce risk of injury;
  • Increases strength, power, muscular endurance and athletic function.

good to know : Sleep experts recommend at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night, and up to ten hours for high-level athletes.

To each his own: Four sleep schedule types

Sleep experts generally distinguish four main types of sleep duration, each corresponding to natural tendencies:

  • this early riser Wake up naturally between 5:30am and 7am, peaking between 8am and 12pm.
  • this mild morning I wake up around 7am and go to bed around 11pm.
  • this owl (Not restricted by working hours) Work between 8am and 9am, with peak productivity starting at 12pm. They had no difficulty concentrating and performing at night.
  • this disturbed sleeper Suffering from nighttime disturbances, the status peak shortens between 10 am and 12 pm. For the last sleep type, sleep habits are highly recommended to adjust the body clock and restore high-quality days.

Identify your body clock type

After reading the previous paragraph, you must have recognized yourself in one or other of these profiles.

However, the rhythms imposed by daily life can sometimes blur the lines.

To easily identify your body clock type, Think about the time of day when you feel your best.

It is also possible to analyze your behavior during holidays, regardless of occupation: do you prefer to get up early or sleep in late?

If you’re still having trouble figuring out your body clock type, you can invest in a sleep tracker that can give you detailed information about your circadian cycle.

Understand Your Circadian Cycle: Performance Tools

Determining your body clock type will allow you toAdjust your scheduleincluding an athletic training program based on your productivity and motivation phases.

For example, morning jogging is popular with early risers. Conversely, this can be a real test for night owls, who are at their best in the late afternoon and early evening.

Separate beds: an option to consider to improve performance

Now we are rightThe impact of circadian rhythms on performancenext let’s talk about the thorny issue of bed separation.

If you are living together as a couple, you have two options:

  • You have the same biological clock type as your significant other : In this case, sharing the same bed does not pose any special problems.
  • Your body clock is different from your spouse’s : The question arises whether there is a need to have separate rooms to keep everyone on pace. The same goes for if your partner snores or spends the night wrapped up in your duvet!

Respecting each other’s circadian preferences is key to improving quality of life, performance, and overall well-being.

Ultimately, sleeping in separate beds may well be the secret to a fulfilling life as a couple.

If sleeping further away is not an option for you, a good compromise is Glue two single beds together For everyone to enjoy their duvets and mattresses.

sport-cat-date-updated">Mannon update:18/08/2024

Our article on how to get a good night’s sleep

#Annoying #question #athlete #shouldnt #sleep #partner



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