Announcing the date when the work on the motorway will be finished

According to the first announcements from the Roads Directorate, half of that work should have been completed in August – and completely finished in December – but if you drive along the E45, you can’t help but see that the work is still in full swing.

– The work has been made more difficult by the fact that the ground is harder than expected, says Mette Aakær Møller, project manager at the Road Directorate.

– If you drive past, you can see that the soil being dug up is very white with lime. In addition, we have come across many large stones. So it’s a really bad soil on the stretch, she explains.

Mette Aakær Møller explains that before the work started, drilling tests were carried out, but that the soil has turned out to be “worse” than expected.

Project manager at the Road Directorate, Mette Aakær Møller, says that the soil by the motorway contains more lime and large stones than the drill tests showed. Photo: Lars Pauli

Works at high pressure

The work on erecting noise walls should be completed in the northbound direction in August, and the work in the southbound direction is scheduled to be completed in December.

And even though it is currently behind schedule, Mette Aakær Møller hopes that the work will be completely finished in December – as originally planned.

– After the summer holidays, the contractor has chosen to deploy two drilling teams instead of one. At the same time, some more powerful machines have been deployed, so the contractor has expressed that they are working at high pressure and hope to make up for the delay, she says.

Although the work in the northbound direction should have been completed, work is currently being done on both sides of the motorway. Photo: Lars Pauli

Five to nine meters

Almost eight kilometers of noise barriers will be erected between the approach and exit at Ø. Uttrup Vej and Ådalsmotorvejen.

The screens will be between five and nine meters high.

The noise screens will be partially planted on the inside, while those on the outside, facing the neighboring surroundings, will be fully planted.

In selected places, there will be transparent glass at the top of the screens, so that it does not cast a shadow on the nearest neighbours.

2024-09-04 10:54:18
#Announcing #date #work #motorway #finished



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