” data-medium-file=”https://www.analitica.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Frontera-colombia-venezuela-600×450.jpg” data-large-file=”https://www.analitica.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Frontera-colombia-venezuela-800×600.jpg”/>
Through decree 072, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Justice and Peace He reported on the usual measures for the days before and after the presidential elections.
According to the regulations, Starting on July 26 at 12:00 midnight and until Monday the 29th of the same month at 11:59 pm, strict control will be carried out at the land, air and sea borders of Venezuela.as well as the application of prohibition and the suspension of the carrying of knives and firearms.
The decree assigns responsibility to the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Ceofanb), which will issue instructions to REDI commanders to establish control over the movement of people across the border.
The process of organizing the presidential elections advances as the National Electoral Council indicates that the schedule is 80% completewith some pending issues related to the pre-dispatch audit and the resetting of the totaling machines, among others.
#Announces #border #controls #prohibition #Friday
2024-09-26 16:02:14