Announcement of aid package for women cricketers

Announcement of aid package for women cricketers

Pakistan Cricket Board has announced a 3-month aid package for women cricketers under its duty of care policy.

25 female cricketers will be benefited and will get a monthly stipend of Rs 25,000 from August to October.

This proposal of financial assistance to women cricketers was presented by the Women’s Wing headed by Urooj Mumtaz, which was approved by Chairman PCB Ehsan Mani.

These 25 women cricketers have been selected for the announced scheme after they fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria. – Not getting a contract for 21 and currently having no source of income.

Earlier, the Pakistan Cricket Board has also announced the contract for women cricketers in June, according to which 9 central contracts and the same number of 12-month contracts given to emerging players have been applied from July 1, 2020.

After the recent announcement, PCB is now sponsoring a total of 43 women cricketers.

Chairperson Women’s Wing Urooj Mumtaz says that due to Covid-19, women’s cricket activities have stopped all over the world. Sponsors.

Arooj Mumtaz said that since women’s cricket is slowly growing, it was the need of the hour that the PCB not only protects its players under this scheme but also assures them that the board values ​​them. And stands by their side in these difficult moments.

He further said that a total of 48 players participated in the domestic season 2019-20, out of which 25 players will benefit from this scheme, while the rest of the women cricketers are either under PCB contract or they are They are working elsewhere.

The Pakistan Cricket Board had earlier introduced a similar scheme in June, benefiting 161 stakeholders including former first-class cricketers, match officials, scorers and curators.

The purpose of this one-term scheme was to assist our stakeholders in dealing with the situation arising out of Covid-19.

#Announcement #aid #package #women #cricketers
2024-09-03 23:01:15



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