Anne-Sophie Lapix facing kidnapping: this armed group in Mali has turned everything upside down…

Impossible to get bored when practicing the profession of journalist. And it is not Anne-Sophie Lapix who will tell us the opposite. The latter is indeed involved in many events that will have marked this year. While some have been controversial, others have earned the respect of its viewers. Once once more, the journalist made some rather surprising revelations!

Anne-Sophie Lapix: a committed journalist!

All subjects deserve to be treaties. And this especially when they highlight the most important information for the French. This bet, Anne-Sophie Lapix took it! The journalist has always insisted on provide the best information to its viewers. A currency that it has held a little more in recent months. Let us also remember that she volunteered to talk regarding the situation between the two countries.

Indeed, it is from Lviv that the journalist Anne-Sophie Lapix had made her reports during the month of March. A particular initiative interesting in order to understand what was really going on there. And if his decision had then created controversy among its employees, the presenter did not take offense. On the contrary, it would seem that it has pushed her even more to remain committed to her bataille for the information!

Olivier Dubois still in captivity!

The information fell in May 2021. Indeed, the journalist independent Olivier Dubois had surprised the fans of his community on social networks by sharing his captivity with the support group for Islam and Muslims. If the latter had been taken hostage on April 8, the colleague of Anne-Sophie Lapix had to wait until May 5 of last year to reveal the circumstances in a video sequence that he himself shared. It should be noted that the latter is the only Frenchman held captive on the territory since this period.

If the French State had then implemented several strategies in order to get him released, things haven’t progressed much. Indeed, the 19th of August last, has also reported a situation still worrying for the colleague of Anne-Sophie Lapix. In effect, the Barkhane force would have withdrawn during the past week. Something to worry regarding the possible release of this French journalist who has been detained for more than a year. And that made his people react a lot. colleagues !

Anne-Sophie Lapix: Support for Olivier Dubois!

As always, Anne-Sophie Lapix is ​​committed to good causes. And the journalist does not skimp on resources when it comes to a subject as important as the captivity of one of her colleagues. Note that the latter has already made several announcements concerning this situation. But when doubts arise as to the real efforts made to free the journalist, she does not hesitate to use her social networks once once more.

“Tomorrow will be the 500ᵉ day that Olivier Dubois spends in captivity” can we read on this post. L’occasion for Anne-Sophie Lapix and other colleagues to make known their point of view on the subject. We can also count Harry Roselmack among those who did not hesitate to speak out for this cause.

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