Anna Smutná takes photos of actors of the National Theater in the make-up shop –

After a shorter anabasis, she managed to get into photography in a make-up shop and now exhibits some of her black-and-white pictures in a wine bar in Náplavní Street in Prague, which likes to host similar exhibitions. It will be possible to see her there at least until the end of October.

The exhibition is called Where the spotlights don’t shine, and the images, which were taken since March last year, can be seen not only on the walls of the wine bar, but also in a book that Smutná made from her own photos and left for visitors to look at.

Photo: Anna Smutná

Drama Beauty and the Beast, March 2023

“I got to the National Theater thanks to the contacts of my professor Tomáš Rasl. First, for my graduation thesis, I had the opportunity to take photos before the start of the performance directly in the auditorium, which was an interesting experience. I didn’t get another chance to return to the auditorium, but Tomáš Rasl put me in touch with the head of the make-up shop. She received me very kindly and I started following her with my camera. At first often, later once or twice a month,” revealed Smutná.

She added that she chose and chooses the dates of the photo shoot based on when the make-up artists with whom she already knows are on duty in the theater. Although it is still a bit of a partisan action, many interesting photos have already been taken.

Photo: Anna Smutná

Drama Kytice, November 2023

“I always told actors, singers or members of the ballet who I was and why I wanted to photograph them. The vast majority were understanding. Some of them made a little fun of themselves during the photo shoot, and with some I got the impression that the photo shoot flattered them a little. When I knew that I would be able to do an exhibition, I asked them if they would mind a possible presentation. Everyone was in favor of it,” stated Smutná with a smile.

She developed a friendly relationship with several artists during the photo shoot in the make-up shop. The actors from the drama were said to be the most fun, according to her, the ballet “takes pictures by itself” and during the opera she had the most time to chat with the make-up artists.

Three thousand photographs were taken there in a year and a half. Smutná chose only a few of them for her exhibition, even with the sum of the pictures hanging on the walls of the wine bar and stored in the book that accompanies the exhibition.

Photo: Anna Smutná

BPM Ballet, May 2024

“I believe that my photo shoot in the make-up room of the National Theater does not end. I would like to return there, and if one day there is a larger space for the presentation of other photos, I would like to prepare a new exhibition,” added Smutná.

In her early youth, she devoted herself to drawing. She even exhibited her pictures, but when she got her first camera at the age of fourteen, she never put it down.

She studied at the Higher Vocational School of Graphics and the Secondary Technical School of Graphics in Prague and is now a student at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague at the Department of Photography.

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Spotlight on Anna Smutná: A Portrait of Passion and Patience

Well, folks, buckle up, because we’re stepping into the world of Anna Smutná, a budding photographer who’s made quite the splash in Prague—no swimming lessons needed! After a somewhat convoluted journey (Anabasis? Sounds like a fancy way of saying she got lost a bit, doesn’t it?), Anna has landed herself a cozy little exhibition space in a wine bar on Náplavní Street. And trust me, it’s not just about cheap Merlot and awkward Tinder dates; this is fine art, darling!

Illuminating Shadows

Her exhibition, aptly named “Where the spotlights don’t shine,” features her stunning black-and-white photographs, an ode to all the behind-the-scenes bods who make the glitz and glamour happen. It will be up until the end of October, so if you’re in the mood for a cheeky cultural outing with a glass of Sauvignon, this is your ticket! The wine is good, the ambience is fabulous, and the art? Chef’s kiss!

An Unexpected Connection

So how did Anna get her foot in the door? Well, it seems a little birdie—or professor named Tomáš Rasl—tweeted her into a prestigious position at the National Theater. I mean, one moment you’re snapping selfies and the next you’re in the hallowed halls of high culture. Talk about a glow-up!

Clicking with Creativity

Initially armed with her camera, Anna turned the make-up shop into her own personal playground. A partisan operation, she quietly documented the magical make-up transformations happening behind the curtain. Imagine a bunch of actors teetering on the edge of ‘Am I late for my scene?’ and she’s there, camera in tow, capturing all the chaos. The result? A whopping 3,000 photographs! Well, that’s a lot of pixels dedicated to the art of face paint!

Smiles in the Spotlight

Now, for those curious about the celebrity encounters—fear not! Anna has a knack for charming the stars. “Most were understanding,” she says, while others indulged in a bit of self-deprecating humour. I mean, who wouldn’t want a photo where they look like a Broadway baby? Especially when they’ve got a venue like a wine bar showcasing their antics!

Friendships and Future Dreams

Anna’s endeavours have turned into more than just a series of clicks; they’ve fostered friendships. With the actors? Pure comedy gold! Ballet dancers being, well, typically graceful, and opera singers offering their best tales alongside the mascara. They say laughter is the best accessory aside from mascara, right?

A Glimpse of Tomorrow

Before we go, let’s not forget Anna’s ambition. She’s hoping to sneak back into the National Theater, maybe even whip up a new exhibition. A gal can dream, can’t she? One moment you’re dispatching from the make-up room, the next you’re preparing for your own grand showcase! Who knows, perhaps a certain Hollywood director will spot her artwork and think, “What I need is a talent like this!” Get ready, world!

The Art of Growing Up

So while Anna is busy capturing the faces behind the masks, let’s reflect on her journey. From drawing to dedicated photography—she’s a true testament to passion meeting opportunity. Not every day you find a diamond in a make-up shop, eh? Exactly why you should keep your eyes peeled the next time you indulge in a little retail therapy!

Anna Smutná's exhibition

Now, go forth and support local art! After all, behind every photograph is a tale waiting to be told. Cheers to Anna Smutná, the future of capturing the unseen!



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