Anna Paluch parked on the “envelope”. “Excuse me”

“Rush, a flood of duties” – this is how PiS MP Anna Paluch explains her behavior during the Podhale holiday “Day of Bear, Honey and Bartników”. More precisely, it concerns the place where the MP parked when she arrived in Poronin.

On Sunday in Poroninwhich has a bear in its coat of arms, held the XXII Teddy Bear, Honey and Beekeepers Day. She went to the ceremony Anna Paluch, PiS MP from this district.

PiS MP parked on an “envelope”

The Onet portal published a photo of the MP’s car, which was parked on the so-called envelope, a space designated for people with disabilities. According to the witness cited by the portal, the MP was approached by a firefighter who asked to see a document authorizing her to leave her car in that space.

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The politician did not show the document and allegedly declared that she was a “MP”, “an important guest of the event”, and the parking permit was given to her by the mayor of Poronin. Anita Zeglen In an interview with the portal, she said that she “did not allow” or “order” the MP to park in that spot.

Anna Paluch: I’m sorry

On Tuesday, the MP spoke on the matter.

“I was shown this spot, so I parked. Places for disabled peopleh there were two, and the other one was free all the time, so probably no one needed it. I have always respected and supported disabled people. Rush, a lot of duties. Sorry” – she wrote on social media. Anna Paluch.

“And of course I didn’t tell the firefighter that being an MP entitled me to park on the ‘envelope’ for disabled people,” she added in a subsequent post.

Who is Anna Paluch?

Anna Paluch she is a long-time member of the Sejm. She recently had a short break at Wiejska, when 14,616 votes did not secure her re-election in the October elections.

SEE: A pile of parking tickets in front of the hospital. The owner won’t pay them anymore

However, she returned to the parliamentary benches after the elections to European Parliament. Then the politician took her place Arkadiusz Mularczykwho won the mandate of an MEP.

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