Anna Michalska is no longer the spokeswoman of the Border Guard. It is defended by Law and Justice politicians

The decision to dismiss was made by the new commander in chief, Brigadier General of the SG Robert Bagan. A moment earlier, he replaced Major General of the Border Guard Tomasz Praga (who had been in charge of the service since 2018) as the head of border guards – recalls

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PiS politicians defend the former spokeswoman for the Border Guard

The decision of the new head of the Border Guard caused strong reactions from Law and Justice politicians. This is how Adam Andruszkiewicz reacted to the entry on the website X of TVN journalist Artur Molęda, who stated that the former spokeswoman was “the face of the crisis at the border”.

Mrs. Captain Michalska was not ‘the face of the crisis at the border’ as you from TVN write. She was the face of the tough defense of the sacred border of the Polish state, thanks to which we maintained security and dignity as a country. A sea of ​​hate was poured on her for this. Thank you, Captain, wrote the MP.

In turn, MP Jerzy Polaczek said that Anna Michalska was “brutally attacked, humiliated and verbally insulted by many politicians of today’s government majority.” He also assured that his formation “expresses respect” for her work.

Captain Anna Michalska, as the Border Guard’s spokeswoman, reliably informed the public regarding how Putin and Lukashenko’s people were destabilizing our eastern border. Instead of a reward, she was punished and dismissed from office by the new government. This is how the new government treated a woman who bravely served. Shame! – wrote former Prime Minister of the PiS government, Mateusz Morawiecki.

Some people are happy regarding Michalska’s dismissal

Some, however, do not hide their satisfaction with this cancellation. “At last! Anna Michalska, who in recent years has been telling us that push-backs are just a ‘return to the border line’, is no longer the spokeswoman for the Border Guard. That’s excellent news! Polish services deserve worthy representation. Well done MSWiA,” wrote Franciszek Sterczewski (KO).

Piotr Czaban from the Podlasie Voluntary Humanitarian Emergency Service also comments on Anna Michalska’s work.

Anna Michalska deliberately manipulated information and lied regarding crimes on the border. The justice system will have its hands full – said the activist and former journalist.

Anna Michalska has been serving in the Border Guard since 2006. Until 2018, she was associated with its Bieszczady unit, later she worked at the main headquarters. Since 2007, she has been active in the formation’s press services.

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