Anna Donáth Under Scrutiny: Prosecution Delves Deep for Answers

The Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office interrogated the former member of the European Parliament of Momentum on Thursday as a suspect in connection with the crime of violence committed by a group against an official. According to Anna Donáth, it is a political showdown. According to the prosecution, he pushed Gábor Iványi with both hands into the queue of financial officers during the 2022, famous house search on Dankó Street.

During the interrogation, he complained to his suspect because the procedure was politically motivated and a legal absurdity, which was also stated by the Legal Committee of the European Parliament when, rejecting the prosecutor’s request, he did not suspend his right to immunity – he announced Anna Donáth on Facebook. After his EP mandate expired, his immunity also ended. “It is absolutely clear that everything that is happening is a political showdown, and the state party is behind the process. We don’t even know what exactly he was accused on, because we didn’t receive the investigative materials before the interrogation.” he said.

According to him, this witch hunt is primarily not about him, but about Gábor Iványi, they have been trying to destroy him for years, the Prime Minister wants to take revenge on him and his church again and again, he wrote. In the meantime, they are ruining the lives of many children with special educational needs and their families, for whom Gábor Iványi and the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood were one of their last opportunities to receive quality education, he added.

Related to this: The prosecution suspects Gábor Iványi and Zita Gurmai of violence against an official

Gábor Iványi still has a long and bumpy road ahead of him, but in the end his justice will prevail, but for that, they must always stand by him, he said. According to him, this is also the message of this day: they will always stand by him and protect him, even if he is imprisoned for this and tried to convict him with ridiculous, fabricated charges.

In a statement from the prosecutor’s office on Thursday recallsthat in the criminal proceedings before the Directorate General of Crime of the National Tax and Customs Administration for the crime of budget fraud causing particularly large financial losses, the investigative authority on February 21, 2022 in Budapest, VIII. district, in a property operating as the center of an association, he carried out research and seizure.

The financial inspectors informed Gábor Iványi, as the head of the organization, that he and his legal representative could be present at the investigation, but journalists and other persons could not. Despite this, Gábor Iványi wanted to ensure that the crowd with him could also be present at the investigation, they write.

Our previous article on the subject: Daily campaign: NAV started a new campaign against Gáborék Iványi

A part of the crowd and members of the press climbed into the building through the window with the help of a person staying in the building, while Anna Donáth, accompanied by several people, entered the property through the back entrance, the statement reads.

The financial officers, whose official task was to ensure that no unauthorized person could interfere with the search, formed a line to secure the location.

“According to the well-founded suspicion, at the call of Gábor Iványi, those present began to push him towards the financial officers securing the location, in order to break through the queue wall with the body of Gábor Iványi. During this, Anna Donáth – who was not even authorized by her mandate as a member of the European Parliament to participate in an investigative act – pushed Gábor Iványi, who was standing right in front of her, with both hands to the financial inspectors located behind her. – they say in the statement.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the evidence obtained during the successful investigation in the main case confirmed the suspicion of budget fraud, so the court later ordered the arrest of one of the economic managers of the association, who is not considered a public figure.

The case started for the crime of violence against an official has a total of five suspects, including former MSZP MPs Gábor Iványi and Zita Gurmai, who have already been interrogated.

What ‍are the ⁢specific allegations against Anna Donáth regarding her involvement in the incident on Dankó Street?

Anna Donáth Interrogated as Suspect in Violence Against Official

The Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office interrogated former European Parliament member Anna Donáth on Thursday as a suspect in connection with the crime of violence committed by a group against an official [[3]]. ⁢According‌ to Donáth, this is a political showdown, and the prosecution’s claims are a legal absurdity.

The Allegations

The prosecution alleges that Donáth pushed Gábor ⁤Iványi, the head⁢ of an association, into⁢ a line​ of financial officers during a ⁢house search on Dankó Street in 2022 ⁢ [[3]]. The‌ investigation was carried out by the National Tax and Customs Administration for the crime of budget fraud causing particularly large financial losses. ⁣According to the prosecution, Donáth, who⁢ was not authorized to participate in the investigation, pushed Iványi with⁢ both hands into the queue of financial officers [[3]].

Donáth’s Response

Donáth ⁣claims ⁣that the procedure is politically motivated and a legal absurdity, which was also stated by the Legal Committee of the European Parliament ‍when they rejected the prosecutor’s request to suspend her right to immunity​ [[2]]. She announced on Facebook that she did not receive the investigative materials before the interrogation and does not know exactly what she is being accused of [[2]].

The Target of the Investigation

Donáth believes that ⁢the real target of the investigation is Gábor Iványi and his ‍church, which the Prime Minister has been trying to destroy for years [[2]]. She states that the⁢ government is ruining the lives of many children with⁢ special educational needs and their families, ⁣who rely on Iványi’s organization for quality education [[2]].

The ⁢Incident on Dankó Street

On February ⁢21, 2022, the financial inspectors carried out a ‌search and seizure at a property operating as the center ‍of Iványi’s association in ‌Budapest [[1]]. The inspectors informed Iványi that he and his ​legal ⁢representative ⁢could be present at the investigation, but journalists and other persons could not. ‌Despite this, Iványi wanted‌ to ensure that the crowd with⁢ him could also be present at the investigation [[1]]. A part of the crowd and members of the press climbed into the building through the window, while‍ Donáth entered‍ the property through the back entrance, accompanied by several‌ people [[1]].

The Prosecution’s Version

According to the ‍prosecution, Donáth pushed Iványi towards the financial officers securing the location, in order to⁤ break through the queue wall with Iványi’s body⁤ [[3]].⁣ The financial officers formed a‍ line to secure the ‍location and prevent unauthorized⁤ persons from interfering with the search [[1]].

Support for Gábor Iványi

Donáth stated that Gábor Iványi ​still‌ has a long and bumpy road ahead ⁤of him, but his justice will prevail. She​ believes that they‌ must always stand by him and​ protect him,‌ even if he is​ imprisoned and tried to convict him with ⁢ridiculous, fabricated charges [[2]].

The ​investigation is ongoing, and it remains to be ⁢seen ‌how the case will unfold. One thing is certain, however: the matter has sparked intense debate and controversy, with political undertones and implications for the individuals involved.

Here is a People Also Ask (PAA) related question for the title “Political Showdown: Anna Donáth Interrogated as Suspect in Connection with Crime of Violence”:

Political Showdown: Anna Donáth Interrogated as Suspect in Connection with Crime of Violence

In a recent development, the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office has interrogated Anna Donáth, a former member of the European Parliament from Momentum, as a suspect in connection with the crime of violence committed by a group against an official [[1]]. According to Donáth, this is a political showdown, and the state party is behind the process [[2]].

The incident in question dates back to 2022, when financial officers conducted a house search on Dankó Street. During the search, Donáth allegedly pushed Gábor Iványi with both hands into the queue of financial officers. However, Donáth claims that the procedure was politically motivated and a legal absurdity, which was also stated by the Legal Committee of the European Parliament when rejecting the prosecutor’s request to suspend his right to immunity [[3]].

Donáth took to Facebook to announce that the procedure was a political showdown, and that the state party was behind it. He claimed that they didn’t even know what exactly he was accused of, as they didn’t receive the investigative materials before the interrogation [[4]].

According to Donáth, this “witch hunt” is primarily not about him, but about Gábor Iványi, whom the Prime Minister wants to take revenge on. Donáth alleged that they have been trying to destroy Iványi and his church for years, and that this is also affecting the lives of many children with special educational needs and their families, who received quality education from the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood [[2]].

The prosecution suspects Gábor Iványi and Zita Gurmai of violence against an official, and the case is ongoing. Iványi still has a long and bumpy road ahead of him, but Donáth believes that his justice will prevail in the end. Donáth has pledged to always stand by Iványi and protect him, even if he is imprisoned for this and tried to convict him with ridiculous, fabricated charges [[2]].

In a statement from the prosecutor’s office, it was recalled that the investigative authority carried out research and seizure in a property operating as the center of an association on February 21, 2022, in connection with the crime of budget fraud causing particularly large financial losses [[5]].

Donáth has been a vocal figure in Hungarian politics, having been a member of the European Parliament and an advocate for various social causes. Her short bio reveals that she was born on April 6, 1987, in Budapest, Hungary, and studied sociology and migration and ethnic studies [[3]].

As the case unfolds, it remains to be seen how the political climate in Hungary will respond to these developments. One thing is certain: Anna Donáth is not going down without a fight, and her allegations of a political showdown will resonate with many in the country.









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