ANME castigates the “provocative approach” of the Tunisian president

The executive office of the Association welcomed “with great astonishment and disapproval the provocative approach of the President of the Tunisian Republic, who dared to touch the national cause of the Moroccan people, breaking all customs, traditions, labels and rules of respect and good neighborliness as well as the history and common destiny of the two countries, when he welcomed during an official ceremony, on the occasion of the organization in Tunis of the TICAD summit, the head of ‘a handful of separatists,’ ANME said in a statement released on Monday.

The Association emphasizes that “the decision of President Kaïs Saïed condemns above all a president accused by politicians and human rights defenders in Tunisia of having stolen the Jasmine Revolution”.

This decision, it is added, also undermines the independence and sovereignty of a country of fighters, resistance fighters and martyrs, considering that the Tunisian president exchanged them “for a handful of dollars due to the Algerian people who suffer both from the low standard of living and the waste of opportunities for development and prosperity because of the brutality of the military junta which maintains power with a fist of iron and fire”.

What the Tunisian president has done commits only the Tunisian presidency and whoever represents it, as evidenced by the campaign of condemnation and rejection expressed through the symbols of the brotherly Tunisian people and the living forces of the parties, trade unions, society civil and free media, in particular via press releases and tweets, observes the ANME.

The Association cites as an example the veteran militant Mouncef Marzouki, the former President of the Tunisian Republic, who considered this suspicious reception as risking to shatter the dream of building the Maghreb Union, to the benefit of separatist maneuvers and puppet states that are easy to control from the outside.

In this regard, ANME highlights the vigilance of the Moroccan and Tunisian peoples with regard to anything that threatens the unity of the Maghreb, and the attempts to establish a puppet entity in southern Morocco under the control of the leaders of Algeria who hope to materialize their historic dream of having an opening on the Atlantic Ocean.

“What the Tunisian president has done is an insult to history, given that the question of the Moroccan Sahara has been settled on all fronts”, underlines the same source, noting that “these reckless movements will not change anything in the gives, but will only delay the aspirations of the Maghreb peoples to unity, integration and development for the countries of the region”.

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