Ankle pain: what are the possible causes? what solutions?

Our ankles are particularly fragile, That’s not a scoop. Most injuries are related to sports practice, but they can also occur at the bend of a hidden step at the exit of a staircase or an uneven sidewalk. They therefore concern both athletes and non-athletes – and this, whatever their age. But disabling ankle pain is not only related to trauma: it can also occur as part of ajoint disease or a deformity.

Symptoms: how to recognize ankle pain?

Ankle pain can be intense or moderate, localized or diffuse et appear abruptly or gradually. It can affect one or more areas and is generally accompanied by specific symptoms.

Which areas may be affected?

The pain can be localized in the front or the back of the ankle. Depending on their location, we distinguish:

  • THE joint pain ;
  • THE ligament pain ;
  • THE bone pain ;
  • THE muscle aches
  • and the tendon pain.

Anatomical reminder: bones, ligaments, muscles, internal and external malleolus… What does an ankle look like?

The ankle is a complex and essential articulation to our balance. It is made up of several bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles that keep us moving.

  • Ankle bones: tibiathe fibulathe talusbut also the internal and external malleolus (the small bony “balls” on each side of the ankle);
  • the ligaments of the ankle: the ligament anterior talofibularthe ligament fibulo-calcanéenthe ligament posterior talofibular and the deltoid ligament ;
  • ankle tendons: tendon d’AchilleTHE peroneal tendons (also called fibular), the anterior tibial tendon and the posterior tibial tendon ;
  • and muscles related to the ankle: the muscle you molet and the muscles péroniers.

Swollen ankle, stiffness, hematoma… What can be the associated symptoms?

Several characteristic symptoms can occur in addition to the pain:

  • and hematoma ;
  • of the redness ;
  • a joint stiffness ;
  • of the muscle aches ;
  • and swelling of the ankle;
  • of the crackles joints;
  • a sensitivity during movements and difficulty moving the ankle, or even put the foot on the ground.

Sprain, fracture, strain or osteoarthritis… Why does my ankle hurt (with or without apparent reason)?

This type of pain can be linked to trauma, joint disease or even a malformation.

Ankle injuries:

  • a ankle dislocationwhich corresponds to a loss of contact between the talus and the tibial ceiling;
  • a ankle sprainwhich can occur when the ankle muscles are used intensively;
  • a ankle sprainwhich occurs when one of the ankle ligaments is stretched or torn, usually during a sudden movement or a fall;
  • a ankle tendonitiswhich occurs when ankle tendons become inflamed due to overuse or injury.
  • aAchilles tendon rupturewhich causes sudden pain preventing walking;
  • a ankle fracturewhich occurs when one of the ankle bones is broken.

Ankle joint diseases:

  • l’arthrosis, a so-called mechanical joint disease. It is due to an alteration of the cartilage and is mainly manifested by pain during movement;
  • l’arthritis, a so-called inflammatory joint disease. The inflammatory reaction causes pain at rest and during movement. Several forms of arthritis can manifest in the ankle, including rheumatoid arthritis and gout;
  • and the rheumatoid arthritisa chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the joints and is manifested by flare-ups of variable duration and periods of calm.

Other possible causes of pain

  • Of the repetitive movementsas part of an activity such as jogging or cycling.
  • A malformation du pied (hollow foot, flat foot, club foot or valgus foot) or knee (genu valgum or genu varum) which can ultimately lead to ankle misalignment and pain.

When to worry regarding ankle pain? What is the risk of complications?

Any moderate disabling pain, even sporadic, should lead to consultation! It may be indicative of an underlying disease or an injury that is likely to get worse. An ankle injury, for example, can lead to damage to blood vessels or nerves and cause severe pain and mobility problems.

Painful ankle: what diagnosis?

As indicated above, medical consultation is essential in the event of a fracture or severe pain in the ankle. After a thorough interrogation, the doctor will carry out a clinical examination which will make it possible to orient his diagnosis. He can then prescribe various additional examinations to clarify the nature of the problem: x-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (IRM), etc.

How to prevent ankle pain?

Several actions can help prevent ankle injuries:

  • buy shoes adapted to your size and the activity you practice ;
  • warm up before each workout to stretch the ligaments;
  • in case of fatigue, do not force and take breaks ;
  • adapt to your environment (slippery, muddy ground, etc.);
  • hold stable weight ;
  • avoid repetitive movements ;
  • etc.

In addition, follow the recommendations of your doctor or physiotherapist if you practice physical activity following a trauma.

How to relieve ankle pain? Should you apply hot or cold?

Management of ankle pain depends above all on the identified cause.

In the event of pain following a serious shock or a fall, the first thing to do is to stop your activity. Then bet on the RICE protocol (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation): Rest your ankle, apply ice to stop inflammation, apply anti-edema compression, making sure the bandage is not too tight and elevate your ankle to limit swelling .

A doctor can then prescribe analgesics and/or anti-inflammatories. He can also investigate to find out if it is a fracture, an inflammatory disease or a malformation.

When should an operation or rehabilitation be considered?

Ankle surgery is rather rare and reserved for severe cases of fractures or deformities.

As for rehabilitation, it is usually carried out with a physiotherapist. It consists of relieving pain, but also limiting the impact of imbalances and joint diseases. In the program : massages, physiotherapythen, in a second step, balance and proprioception exercises, muscle strengthening, etc.



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