Video | Roca 2024 Anniversary: ​​How the Celebrations End This Sunday

2024-09-02 01:21:00

This Sunday, Lejia live your birthday 2024 There are a variety of activities on Paseo del grand canal. Find out how the day goes.

The final day of the 145th year celebrations attracted a sizeable turnout despite somewhat cloudy and windy skies. Even in the afternoon, the temperature is accompanied by Maximum temperature is 24°C.

As of Saturday, a large number Regional groups and artists showcase and perform on a set-up stage. yes Spaces designed for all ages: Center stage, rock stage and childhood stage.

Credit Juan Tomes

Neighbors approached the canal promenade to enjoy the last day of the Rocca anniversary and found stalls and food in addition to cultural offerings.

Credit Juan Tomes

This morning, a protocol ceremony took place in Plaza Villegas, in the presence of the Mayor maria emilia soria and governor Alberto Veretinek. In this way, the political and institutional ties that had been interrupted for nearly a decade between the municipal government and the province continued on the path to reorganization, cThere is a strong push to address the city’s long-standing problems through job announcements and new joint efforts.

Roca Anniversary 2024: Sunday, September 1

On Sunday, September 1st, the event started early due to the anniversary.

“Central” scene«: on Neuquén and Gelonch streets

-17:00 Delta Air Lines Crew

-17.25 Athena Deportivo

-17.50 Light of Dawn

-18.15 Natalia Vivanko

-18.40 Chilean Tradition

-19.15 Ballet Laura Cortez Flamenco

-19.40 Ballet Vanessa Galván Nuevo Esperanza

-20.30 I like it

-21.20 La Coprela

-23.10 Torito Freak

-00.15 Stamina

Roca 2024 anniversary pictures: What will happen to bus services this weekend

“Rock” stage«: Located on Gelonch Street and San Juan Street

-17.30 Ceremony of recognition of outstanding neighbors and institutions and performance by the Anibal Troilo Municipal Typical Orchestra

-18.50 Eternal Vomit

-19.15 Assembly 902

-19.50 incompatible

-20.45 banda larvae

-21.40 Not So Holy

-22.45 DeLorean’s

-23.45 Pasta

“Childhood” scene: Located at Gadano and Misiones Streets

-16.45 Circo Sur – Cia. Circo Sur (circus, magic, acrobatics)

-17.30 “Once upon a time there was a story” (Storytelling Duo)

-18.05 Los Musis de Profica (Music for Children)

-20.00 K-Pop Contest

-21.15 Random Dance

-21.30 Award Ceremony

return There is a children’s activity space at 4 p.m.: Painting, drawing, physical books, puzzles, chess, making musical instruments from recycled materials, games for toddlers. There will be a face painting event by Laura Aguirre and a caricature event by Chelo Candia at 5:00 pm.

Image from Alto Valle This Week Temperatures are rising: on which day will the thermometer read 21°C?

Roca Anniversary 2024: Due to the celebrations, the circulation direction of some streets has changed

The circulation of the streets changes due to the celebrations Around Paseo del Canal Grande. They report from the city government that these days Friday 30th, Saturday 31st, Sunday 1st, Gelonch and Gadano streets are one-way traffic.

In order to maintain traffic order during the “Anniversary Walk” event, it was decided Gelonch Street will run east-west from Maipú Street, Gadano Street will run east-west from San Juan Street, and San Juan Street will run east-west.«, they explain.

They also asked their neighbors Neighbors respect fences accordingly Its purpose is traffic sorting.

The history of the fertile valley lies in the irrigation canals: what a tourist itinerary in Rocca is like

Roca Anniversary 2024: What to expect for groups

As for Passenger transport servicesthe city government decides Public transport to and from all Roca neighborhoods is free Convenient for neighbors to move.

Free terms apply from 16 and stay until 2am. The rule comes into effect on Saturday and will be repeated on Sunday.

#Video #Roca #Anniversary #Celebrations #Sunday



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