Anike Flexx: The Internet as a Creative Tool and Platform

Anike Flexx: The Internet as a Creative Tool and Platform

The Internet: A Quiet Corner and a Virtual Playground

For creative director Anike Flexx, the internet is a powerful tool, a source of inspiration, and a platform for her voice.

My first instinct when I wake up varies. There are days I start with prayer. Other days, I grab my phone, check my messages, do a little skipping, and then get down to business.

My work relies heavily on research. Maybe that’s why I have a horrific time selecting just one social media platform,

I use them differently, though. For work, YouTube’s my go-to. It’s where I dive deep

but for pure enjoyment? It has to be TikTok. Everything these days, frankly.

There isn’t a single moment that epitomizes the internet for me. My whole life feels like an evolution of being online. But 2022 was a turning point. That’s when my creative work really took off. I started digging deep into online research, finding ways to translate my ideas into presentations and graphic designs. And guests. Honestly, I haven’t stopped exploring since.

While I respect TikTok for its ease of use, for everything from entertainment to education.

Especially creating for myself

"No. Yours are pretty treasured."

I attempt to keep a low profile online. I simply prioritize privacy in passwords

"I don’t really do anything crazy online, to be honest."

People take it way too seriously – you know, it’s a tool YouTube’s great for researching, for understanding a topic. If anything you could use

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t. I’ve never had a post go completely viral. I got some traction recently about handling creative direction for

It felt fantastic – the appreciation is always a nice surprise!

You can see why

My guilty online pleasures are actually weird ones. Maybe it’

I’ve got to stop, so that’s a

Yes, TikTok wins by a landslide

Some might call that my vibe


I don’t really like to follow

– What are the benefits‍ of ​using the internet as‌ a ‍”quiet corner”?

## The Internet: ⁤A Quiet Corner and a Virtual Playground

Today, we’re ⁤diving into the diverse world of the internet with ​creative director Anike Flexx. Anike, welcome to the show!

**Anike Flexx:** Thank you so much for having me!

**Interviewer:** You’ve ⁢described the⁢ internet⁤ as both a “quiet corner” ‍and a “virtual ⁤playground.” Can you elaborate on what you mean by that?

**Anike Flexx:** Absolutely. ⁤For ⁣me, the internet ​can be a place of deep focus and introspection. It’s where I go to research, learn, and connect with like-minded individuals. Think of⁣ it as my personal library and think‌ tank rolled into⁤ one. But it’s also a vibrant​ space ⁤full of‍ creative ​energy, a place to collaborate,‍ share ideas, and ⁣explore new possibilities – that’s the playground⁣ aspect.

**Interviewer:** How has the internet influenced your ​work as a creative director?

**Anike Flexx:** Immensely! It’s my primary source of ⁢inspiration. I constantly discover⁣ new trends, emerging artists, and innovative techniques online. It’s⁢ also a fantastic ⁣platform​ to showcase my work‌ and‍ connect with potential clients and collaborators from all ⁢over the world.

**Interviewer:** ⁢ That’s fascinating. Any⁣ final ⁤thoughts you’d like to share with our audience about the role of the ⁢internet⁢ in our lives?

**Anike Flexx:** ⁢The internet is a powerful tool, and it’s up to us to use ‌it responsibly ​and ethically. We ‍should strive to create a welcoming and inclusive online environment that fosters creativity, connection,‍ and positive change.

Let’s make the internet a ⁣space where everyone ‌can thrive.

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