Aníbal Fernández, very hard on La Cámpora: “In 2015 they played to lose, they said so”

The Minister of Security, Hannibal Fernandezquestioned in harsh terms The Campora in a television interview: “The group of these boys does not enjoy much respect,” he said. In addition, he criticized the general secretary of the group, Andrés CuervoLarroque (he said that “they send him to chumbar”) and considered that the president, Alberto Fernandezwhen the time of the election arrives, “is going to measure” in the polls.

consulted in C5N Regarding the possibility of re-election of Alberto Fernández, Aníbal maintained that he is his candidate. “I have a candidate, the President of the Nation. The President will measure. What cannot be avoided is that the stew with which we are going to go to the elections is only going to have its vegetables from May”he explained.

In this sense, he referred to the statements of Andrés Larroque, who speculated in the last few hours that Fernández cannot be a candidate: “There are no conditions for his re-election.” To that, the minister replied: “I competed and beat him, if he gives you the skin to beat him “. In addition, he assured that the Minister of Development of the province of Buenos Aires “lo mandan a chumbar” y “bite the hocks (sic) of the President”.

In addition, Anibal Fernández referred to the situation in Rosario

After that, he outlined harsh criticism of La Cámpora and considered that what they want “is for the President to run and put someone of his friends to be a candidate.” “You have to compete, sometimes you have to compete”the minister maintained with respect to the eventual inmates of the Frente de Todos.

Immediately afterwards, he reaffirmed that the group led by Máximo Kirchner in 2015 “played to lose… they said so themselves in their internal meetings.” And after being ironic and calling them “these guys”, he indicated that “They don’t get much respect.” given that “They have looked for ways to demerit the President, with what objective? “.

He confirmed that “the president is determined to be a candidate”but he clarified that “when the time comes to define the vegetables, and there is an agreement to see who the candidate is, be it the President with someone from La Cámpora, Cristina Kirchner or whoever and there is an agreement to compete, welcome ”.

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In another part of the interview, he “clarified” what he said during the week regarding the fact that in Rosario he “got lost” in the face of drug trafficking: “When I say “lost”, no one wants to reason how long ago this happened. The house of the governor of the province was shot on October 11, 2013. It did not start that day, I say 20 years and some say it is 40 years”.

There have been many years where there have been complicated situations”, he said and added: “In this administration there have been four security ministers and 10 police chiefs”. He also maintained that since he took over the national portfolio, he maintains a dialogue with Omar Perotti. “Since the day I took office in 2021, I went to the Ministry and received it from the governor and we set out to do a very quick task.”

After that, he emphasized the work that is done from the Nation against drug trafficking: “We are not willing to let them do what they want. That is why the action that we are going to carry out with new forces and gestures with elements of the studies of criminal activity”.

Finally, he estimated that in the south of the city of Rosario “a death is worth 100 thousand pesos” and that to correct the problem “there are groups that do criminal intelligence” and that “most of the people are there”.


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